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Everything posted by Camel

  1. So there are more cars to come? Or his he talking about DLC?
  2. :welcome:!
  3. It'd be exceptionally hard! :p
  4. The image file name says Ahrweiler Gate, so I guess that's what it's called in game too.
  5. Just some shots I forgot to upload.
  6. Meh, overall we all know that it will be a fantastic game, but it will be let down by the car list. At least we're going to be getting new cars through DLC though. I know you'll all moan about having to pay for the DLC and that you'd all still moan if there wasn't going to be any DLC. Just be grateful that we're getting the game finally and new stuff afterwards.
  7. Stuck between the bottom two options. I'm still undecided as to whether I'll cancel my pre-order and wait till it's cheaper
  8. :welcome: Please read up on the rules. Max image file size is 350KB.
  9. There is also no source for said comment anywhere. Not on any of the official Twitter pages or employee pages for the game.
  10. Another thing I've noticed is that some cars are missing from the list that I saw at the TDUCk playtest the other month, namely 2 Saleens and a few others.
  11. :welcome:
  12. 13 pre-order specials(I think) included in that list to pad it out. There are 102 cars, an Alfa has been put in the AC description at the top. Take out all the pre-order variations and we have less cars than TDU1... 7 other cars that imo aren't needed that are just convertibles of another car or have a different paint.
  13. :fp: xD
  14. Post all threads relating to TDU mods in the Mod Shop please. The TDU Central feedback section is for feedback on this forum only.
  15. 3 for me.
  16. Not an epic fail, just a fail. At least they had sense to use them and they will help grip better when turning. :p
  17. Nice, can't someone just take a screenshot and PS 50,000 onto it and send it to him?
  18. Official videos will show up with the Atari introduction screen just like the rest of the official videos. E: :damnit: Didn't know there was another page.
  19. You can do endurance races in B-Spec mode. Just like any other B-spec race in the game.
  20. Also according to the internet you can't. :p That has been said by people who haven't unlocked the 24H races yet. But neither have I. But I doubt you can save them.
  21. Don't post any unofficial beta content on this forum. You've been told this multiple times on different occasions Eathan.
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziThYl6B2vw
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