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Everything posted by Camel

  1. Keep this thread on-topic. That means no requesting, even the subtle ones because yes, we aren't stupid and we do notice them. Anymore off-topic posts will be deleted.
  2. I like the idea(why wouldn't I? :p) but every member behaving for 24 hours would never ever ever ever happen. Lol
  3. Yea, you should of kept it but the forum messed it up for a few people. Will sort it now.

  4. :locked: Are you happy now that you've now come here and tried to start an argument? I hope you enjoy having all of your posts moderated for the foreseeable future. And no, being a supporter or speshul member does not make you immune to this or even a ban if necessary.
  5. You are kidding right? Guess where that information came from that as posted on N4G. :rolleyes: We've had information posted here about TD:HL for months and known about it for a lot longer. And you're also saying the official Atari website is faked or what?
  6. I also suggest that you have a closer look at the screenshot Diablo has attached to his post.
  7. Happy birthday and don't mix them! The happy and the birthday that is or you'll have a hathday :oook:.
  8. The next member to request a car in this or any other mod thread will be infracted. There have been multiple warnings in this thread alone and yet you still choose to request and I am sick and tired of it now.
  9. It's not possible as of yet and probably never will be.
  10. I'd say the first one would provide better overall performance but it really depends on what you are wanting to do with it. Also Asus do seem to be more reliable than MSI.
  11. :hello:
  12. Why quote them then? It just makes more unnecessary work for the forum staff.
  13. If you wish to post a video of a mod inside a mod thread then yes. That's a good idea.

  14. The word "I" being the crucial one in redvettes post. :p
  15. If all you have to post is crap about other peoples work, then I think this is the wrong forum for you. A good way to post in the modshop is to thank the modder that has made the mods available to you or provide constructive criticisms to them. Not just compare them to somebody else who makes completely different types of mods. Anymore posts like this will be removed.
  16. Moved to the WIP section.
  17. I think for the Xbox version that you have to download it from the Xbox Live Marketplace as a free download.
  18. In! My GT is now A Dodgy Camel btw.
  19. It's better than nothing though, right?
  20. Source Sounds like good news for all of you people still using memory cards or are running short on hard drive space. And the best part about it is that the USB devices don't need to be official Microsoft Xbox ones. Well, by the looks of it anyway. UPDATE Source
  21. We've had this suggested before and it would just get abused if people could change their own name.

  22. Everybody has an inner child. :cheeky:
  23. Source
  24. Sure, I'm ready to try new things. :p
  25. No hate, just payback for the name changes before I was a mod. :p You stole ma sigs. :evil: :p
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