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Status Updates posted by T1M

  1. xD Not spoken in a while. :p

  2. :mmi: Errrm hi. :p

  3. Awesome sig! :nods: Haven't spoken in ages. :eek:

  4. :eek: Wow. Good news or not?

  5. SV WIN! /random

  6. So you're supporting Sweden then? :p Joke :hide: GO FINLAND!

  7. RED WHEELS! Nice sig and avatar c-c-c-combo. :D

  8. Oh :fp: I keep getting confused since I changed my profile colours. :o That model is epic though :drool:

  9. :eek: Wut? xD

  10. T1M

    xD Thanks! :D

  11. T1M

    :lol: Thank you! Any particular reason? xD

  12. Yarp. xD Need someone with Photoshop :hmmm: :whistle:

  13. :eek: I'm interested now *waits*

  14. XDD Thank you :D

  15. Scotteh :D

  16. :hsquad: :cool: /uberrandom

  17. :hello: /random

  18. Happy Birthday! :D

  19. Haha thanks, looks awesome in orange I must say. Yours are better quality though, my lack of photoshop sucks!

  20. Hi, my PSN is T1M670 :D


  22. Nah fraid not.

  23. :eek: BLAAAAAAAAAARGH! :cheeky:

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