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Everything posted by hesonly5

  1. Max and Iced are planning to elope :eek:
  2. That sounds like you've got moobs XD
  3. Awesome song! Ignore the vid though :p Viva La Vida - Coldplay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKF6jtpx9QM
  4. DevilBound used to spend a lot of time in the ME4-12, used to love drifting in it :)
  5. I don't think it's ugly either :p Anyways, cool pics Balto, stop with the brightening though :p
  6. My Documents\Stardock\ObjectDock Library\Images That's the easiest place, 'cause when you go to change an icon ObjectDock goes to that folder automatically. But you can put them pretty much anywhere :)
  7. kalniel needs his daily dose of computer pr0n xD
  8. :eek: I was nice, please don't shoot me :eek:
  9. Bwahahahahaha *breath* hahahahahahahaha XD *WARNING - Cringe factor ahead* Ahahahahahaha, broke his ankle XD
  10. Welcome! :) *waits for thread to turn into ANOTHER superly long welcome thread full of blokes drooling 'cause, OMG! a woman joined* ;)
  11. I'm the youngest in my family, my brother moved out when I was 9/10 though. I was right little so-and-so when I was younger, always getting him in to trouble for the hell of it :D I remember putting his original Game Boy down the loo once, I still don't know why. Kinda funny though, still works :p
  12. What a calm family :p Ours isn't, if my parents aren't screaming at each other, I'm screaming at my Dad xD Or he's just generally screaming at the tele/Sky+/Computer/Car/Van/anything that can't defend itself XD
  13. :eek: I think there's a reason no one else posted that...
  14. Might as well post them here, for those of us who use ObjectDock (ahahaha! BR = FAIL :p) HUD Transparent Icons http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x12/randomus_robbius/HUD_Transparent_Icons_by_randomus_r.jpg SmoothText http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x12/randomus_robbius/Preview.png DesktopWand http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x12/randomus_robbius/DeskWand.png Using TomTom's Wand PSD [link]
  15. My brother moved out years ago, I don't have that problem :p They do argue all the time, though, it's like *headdesk*
  16. Surely you of all people would want to contact friends online, seeing as you now live in a different country than you used to? :p
  17. *also disturbed by chav speak* Anyways, 'grats on your new car, it certainly is a sexy beast :D
  18. Which is generally the whole idea :p
  19. Whoa, that's awesome :eek:
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