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Everything posted by hesonly5

  1. Is it just me, or is Speed gonna have a little trouble at a steady 170mph in a Gallardo Spyder?
  2. Sensei, I don't think you were supposed to repeat that on the forum XD
  3. OMG lawl I forgot about that one XD
  4. Ew. Looks like some dodgy German tuning company got hold of it :eek:
  5. Wow, losta big wurds O_O
  6. Everyone here complains about previews, is an attachment better? XD OMG mah quality :eek: Why has it converted to .png to a crappy .jpg? :bananamad:
  7. i iz not wantin teh knowinz of yer mansack
  8. lawl, how did you know I have a manbag? :p
  9. rofl! look at the one at the back with the handbag XD
  10. ooh! it's me! hai me *waves* poisson magique - <3
  11. You've only just notic - *gasp* SHINY THINGS! *runs*
  12. Of course it's biased. Max Mosley has blatantly stated he favours Ferrari over any other team
  13. O_O purdy... Hurry up with the rest of them, dammit XD
  14. Wowie, go me :D lawl, I think I used to have around 14 per day on official forums XD

    1. OMG O_O so purdy..... om nom nom nom nom
    2. OMG go away. Americans claim to speak English when they blatantly don't, it's a god damn different language! How, are two languages the same when they use, say, and spell words differently?! Is it just me that gets annoyed you can't have Windows in English? If I'm Spanish, I can have Spanish Windows. If I'm Swedish, I can have Swedish Windows. If I'm Russian, I can have Russian Windows. If I'm English, I have to have American Windows. GRRR /rant glompz, anyone?
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