God is the God of life but He also owns death. He decides to take whoever He wants, whenever He wants, where ever He wants and however He wants. God does not have the same fragile feelings as us, of course He is the God of everlasting love but His plans and His will is above our understanding... Do you know if that kid would die of some horrible disease after about 10 years of living here? Do you know if that was to teach the kid's parent some hard lesson? Do you know what things would of happen if that kid wasn't shot? No, you don't and neither do I. Only God knows and only He has the right to do whatever comes into His concern.
People like to blame God for everything, like to say that He doesn't exist because there are African kids dying of hunger, because some crazy communist decided to practice genocide, because science says no when it actually says yes. If people knew about the Lord a bit more, they would know that all these tragedies and sufferings are signs of His coming. But no, its easier and better for us to deny God and continue to live the way we want to. Shame really....
Not trying to prove that God exists, I just find it kind of ironic when the world says that Christians blame the devil for everything when it is them who blame God for everything also.
- Baltoman