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Everything posted by Andreas¹

  1. The Golf R420/whateverit'sgonnabecalled has been officially confirmed VW group powertrain chief Dr Heinz-Jakob Neusser. VW Golf R420 confirmed by tech chief - latest on 2016's super-Golf GTI by CAR Magazine Control yourself Ryzza :cheeky:
  2. It won't be difficult for them to bring back the show, making it as popular as it used to be though will be. The question is for how long they will drag it on...
  3. James May 'will not return to Top Gear' without Clarkson - BBC News James May has quit Top Gear.
  4. The fact that they took an extra year to work on it says to me they really want to do something different, let's hope in a good way. I remember the rumour that Forza 6 was coming to PC, one could dream. :lol:
  5. BBC to air Jeremy Clarkson's final Top Gear scenes - BBC News
  6. She came in with a handbrake that doesn't work but didn't want it fixed? :p
  7. I wanna hear something from James and Richard now.
  8. This is Clarkson's column from today's Sunday Times:
  9. What they said was that it can drive forwards/backwards in/out of a parking space by you using the key or something. That way, if it's a really tight space you can get out and let the car drive in by itself. On one hand I can see that being useful, on the other hand I can't see anyone owning this car parking sensibly. xD
  10. :D I put together an album on Imgur where I compare the game to real life Jönköping where I grew up, plus two from Linköping: ETS2 vs real life - Album on Imgur Game stills taken from Squirrel's video above, real life stills from Google Maps
  11. While the Circuit spec Escalade may not look that fantastic (not sure how many of the bodypanels can be swapped) I like the fact that they added it to begin with. I'd really like to have it. What annoys me is the lack of a Raid spec F1. I know it might have been naïve of me to think we were actually getting one but they put it in the frigging RAID PACK. The normal/Perf spec F1 are both fine and dandy but they have nothing that really puts them on top of any other car in the game in my opinion. One spec doesn't justify spending real money (and a lot of it I can only imagine) on one car.
  12. That's... speshul. Though new monitors with DisplayPort can handle up to 144Hz. What would even happen if you tried something like gaming at 69Hz? Would it look strange or just... normal? Pretty much anything if it has a PCB it seems.
  13. I'm the pleasant one, and they're ^ the weird ones :nods: And he stole my teeth line :( :welcome:
  14. Then definitely no to liquid cooling, and you can also save $10-20 by going for a non K-series i5. To be honest you probably won't even need any fancy air cooling so you can save some more money there, unless the stock coolers are really noisy and you want something more quiet.
  15. First of all, will you be overclocking the CPU? I don't have one either, you will live perfectly fine without one. I'm only planning to upgrade my PC with one because it's all the rage these days. Well then you need to debate that issue with yourself. How much video rendering will you be doing? Will the extra cost be justifiable for you? The occasional project will be fine on an i5 or Xeon as well. Basically: Overclocking but no hyperthreading - i5 Hyperthreading but no overclocking - Xeon Hyperthreading and overclocking - i7 Pricewise they come in that order. That will come quite cheap I think. Well liquid cooling exists because it's better but it's also more expensive. Also, from the comparative videos I've seen on Youtube, you need a radiator with at least two fans on it in order for it to make sense, and those are expensive. A radiator with a single fan will have about the same performance as a high end air cooler so spending the money on it doesn't really make sense in my opinion. That's why both Mellors and I recommended you go air cooled. Liquid cooling also comes with its own set of hazards. Liquid + electric components = dangerous. Definitely do your research about brands and products before you go for it. If you're planning to go in full overclocking mode on the other hand, then it's another story. I can't quite get a grip of that site to be honest. I'm not a fan of the "Standard" power supply, definitely go for a well known brand when it comes to PSUs. Also, "Corsair or Major Brand" memory? It fells like I'd rather pick out my own parts and build the thing myself.
  16. It's really 7 discs? :eek: That is insane. I wonder when I'll get mine, someone preordered it for me for Christmas. :hmmm:
  17. And on another note, if you're not going to overclock you can save some money as well. Instead of going for an i5 or i7 K-series, you can get a Xeon which aren't overclockable but have hyperthreading and will be better at the things Ryzza mentioned. Also, you can check sites like Ebay and similar sites that you have in Canada, especially for CPU's. Used ones are up all the time, and sometimes brand new ones still in sealed boxes show up that you can save some money on.
  18. If I was to build my own PC from scratch today with your budget I'd do something like this. Someone with more knowledge might want to object to something on it though. Of course it's down to you, change the case, memory, PSU (you probably can do with a lower wattage one) or whatever. This is a starting point though. PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($288.50 @ Vuugo) CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($33.05 @ Vuugo) Motherboard: Asus Z97-A ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($178.98 @ DirectCanada) Memory: Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1866 Memory ($94.99 @ Canada Computers) Storage: Samsung 850 EVO-Series 120GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($89.99 @ NCIX) Storage: Western Digital BLACK SERIES 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($89.99 @ NCIX) Video Card: Asus GeForce GTX 970 4GB STRIX Video Card ($421.58 @ DirectCanada) Case: Cooler Master 690 III ATX Mid Tower Case ($106.90 @ DirectCanada) Power Supply: Cooler Master VSM 650W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply Total: $1303.98 Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-04-12 17:27 EDT-0400 The link to the list itself is here and you can change anything you want on it: Intel Core i5-4690K, Asus GeForce GTX 970, Cooler Master 690 III - System Build - PCPartPicker Canada Are there specific parts you need or already have, such as case, monitor, other peripherals?
  19. I still have the full screenshot of the chatbox that evening :cheeese:
  20. I hope you realize I will never ever let you forget this :p
  21. Basically a recap of everything that's coming in the next massive update. We knew about most of it, except one small thing which was confirmed today :D :msuh3: Full blog post by Bugbear over at their forums me - have you changed your avatar? I tried looking for you but out of 105 (!) results, none of them had the avatar you described. Anyone can try adding me, I think (I hate Steam - why make anything easy?) my username is andreaz_1 but try looking for Andreaz1 as well. :p I guess a Swedish flag will show up, the only games I have are Wreckfest and BeamNG Drive. :cheeky: [edit again:] It will probably show up as Andreaz1 as I customized my url somehow.
  22. If you don't have any backup of it then I don't think so, not after so much time has passed. If it had been recent then it might have been recoverable, but it will probably have been overwritten a long time ago by now.
  23. You do realize you're not actually posting any images...?
  24. It looks like <insert any rapper ever> got hold of it :hmmm:
  25. Ooh, release date :D Booh, it's a month away :c I still want to get it though.
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