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Everything posted by Ryzza5

  1. ummm, I don't see any pics in your post :/ :confused:
  2. Don't they still make the R8 today??? I was in a new one a few weeks ago.
  3. Interesting, so it doesn't look like we'll be using this thread to create a turboduck crew since there's no permanency.
  4. Did we have an offroad excursion in the P1 Loz? :p Here's a creative GT shot I found
  5. Well since I'm not in the EU then I guess I'm free to :locked: this thread Things to take away from this thread: 1. Don't upload a mod if you don't have permission. 2. Do upload a mod if you do have permission. 3. Don't report a mod as stolen if you don't have (or include) any hard evidence (really the original mod author should report it themselves) 4. Don't bring countries or politics into it. You agreed to a set of rules when you joined the forums, and those rules can change as needed for the benefit of the community or those who run (and pay for) it. 5. If there is a next time, please expect a 3-day ban to start off with, followed by a 14-day ban if you continue to cause trouble. 6. Ducks are just plain awesome.
  6. No problem, E3 and TC streams and pCARS projects and iRacing league have somewhat kept me busy.
  7. I dunno... maybe try sending an email to mau92@ my.com and see if it bounces or not :)
  8. Nice one. Poll will be up tomorrow.
  9. Free ride and PvP (Dev races) World finals
  10. Better than being as boring as bathwater :hmmm: (except for tducks' bathtub of course)
  11. ^What they all said
  12. They didn't stream Copenhagen v Dubia but I have all the others, rendering them tonight and will upload tomorrow. This France battle was very close and is worth a watch Watching them jump the bridge instantly reminded me of the only other Chicago-based racing game I know of: By the way, can anyone think of an open-world driving game older than Midtown Madness?
  13. Uploaded some more: Player v Player races (IVT Devs) Saga (Sao Paulo) v Nemesis (Montreal) Cyber City (LA) v World Gamer Nation (NY) I will have a few more tomorrow.
  14. The joke. Your head. :) Nice to have you here MemoryKill
  15. Audi did win '09, they just had a Bentley sticker on their car (to celebrate some anniversary for them)
  16. Maybe if a few of us get it up and running we can have a forum comp to see who can get the best Millionaire's Challenge time (with screenshot proof). Say perhaps with a yellow Lotus Esprit (Stage 3 tuning) to start off with (use the Hardcore mode glitch with No Driver aids).
  17. There's a glitch where you play in Hardcore mode, then Hit Esc and click New Game, click No, go back and all the missions show up. The H icon eventually disappears but the moon physics remain.
  18. Taking it easy but still managed to beat all the Group A cars in a Diablo in the Round the Island Tour race - finished in just over 45 minutes (fairly relaxed drive, didn't shift down a lot due to traction issues in Hardcore mode).
  19. A Circuit Spec F150 Raptor :eyebrow: And Mazda (jump to 6m 15s) CAREER SPOILER @ 4:30 Someone else can do the honors of update the OP
  20. Well the gaming centres did the work, these guys just played a video game :lol: :jk:
  21. So Ghost, the question I was trying to ask from twitch is what is the maximum size of that crew 'list', or the 'club' if you will. Yes the actual crew tops out at 4 but if vacancies can be filled from a list then I wanted to know how big that list could be. That way we would know if we would have one or more TurboDuck crews for example (if all of us were online at the same time we'd probably have multiple anyway, but if we were on at different times then we could have one large club). i.e. for example in Forza Horizon lets say you can have 32 players in your club, even though you can only have 8 playing together at a time.
  22. You'll have to email that to Charlie and James, but even so you'd have to be a pretty big Simpsons nerd to make that connection
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