I think broadening our horizons is the safest option in it all, perhaps starting with racing games and open world games like GTA etc and building up. (I know we kind of already do this but perhaps put more emphasis on it.)
To become overnight a general gaming site would be of no benefit in my eyes as there are already thousands of those out there, many of which have much slacker rules on things such as language which appeals to people. That market is too crowded.
I want to see this place survive basically, and if everyone else chooses a route I don't necessarily agree with I'll still support it in the interests of our little hole on the web.
It's nice to see that so many people agree that this place has a special atmosphere, and honestly when I created this thread I didn't expect it to pick up like this, if anything I did it as a bit of a joke and a stab at the woeful sequel.
This place may be quiet, but as we proved the other night with various antics it can still be as random and funny as ever. Hopefully this transition, should we make one, will keep the active user number up enough to make the hijinks a day to day occurrence again.
As for names, it's past my creativity curfew.