Photo MUST be taken by you.
Any post processing allowed.
No Voting for yourself!
Photo sizes kept to 800x640 maximum. No thumbnails. Your photo will not be entered if it exceeds this.
Winner chooses next theme (by PMing me). If someone wins twice in a row, the person they voted for chooses the next theme.
If you post many photos, the top one will be chosen as your entry, but you have until the closing date to choose.
Photos cannot be used twice for two different subjects.
Tell me if I've missed anything, thanks!
I ask for this contest to be a trigger of intelligence and creativity, and not just a fluke you got years ago. Please go out and take photos, not just take them out of your archives. Thanks.
Congrats to Highline for running away with the prize for physical activities!
This week's theme:
Typical Cars
That is, nothing special. Just your average cars, VWs, Saabs, Fords etc, but no Ferraris, Lambos, Astons etc.
Closing Date: 19th April.
Good luck!
1) Koenigsegg
2) HTF
3) Safiro
4) Spoon_Fit
5) Car Freak
6) Bog Flush
7) tomshype
9) Speedtouch
10) Jumping Kazoo
11) TSS
12) Mb
13) Fridge Magnet Rabbit
I see no reason why everyone should not enter this week - I mean everyone has a car, or at least their parents do. And most of them will be rubbishy things used to get from A to B with no fun involved. So you can't use the excuse that you couldn't get a photo - because there is a hundred photo ops just outside your front door!