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Everything posted by GTAMADDOG

  1. I was annoyed, I was sat in a lesson watching Twitter conversations. But as has been said, it's not the end of the world. Hopefully it'll be released at the beginning of next week, not Friday.
  2. I don't think it really matters much which broadband provider you choose when you live where me, Mistermojo and T3hReaper live. Our area has pretty much been left in the dark ages when it comes to internet services. I went to see my auntie last week, she lives in Banbury and she was downloading a program at 1.5MB per second solidly. I'd have loved to of seen what her speed results were on Speedtest.net. The highest I've seen was during the Christmas holidays when I think my download speed topped out at 1036kb/s while downloading something at 10am in the morning, albeit for a fraction of a second.
  3. My mum's laptop, wirelessly. Sky Broadband, I'm never impressed.
  4. I prefer the PC to the consoles as well and you are entitled to your opinion but this is the PS3 section and it's a bit silly posting a comment like that in this thread/section unless you really are just trying to troll. Sorry if you're not but it seems like quite a random statement to make.
  5. Nice one. I passed mine a month or two ago. It's taken until two weeks ago for me to have a driving lesson, the first one I've had since September when I only had a couple of lessons. Didn't get taught anything by the instructor but did every maneuver (Did the parallel park for the first time ever and did it perfectly with no advice/instructions) and he told me I only need a couple of lessons to be at test standard which was great to hear. I had to cancel my last lesson and next lesson because of certain things which is annoying. The waiting time to take the test is apparently six weeks :oook:
  6. I see alot of 'high-rollers' driving around in Toyota Prius' but I let them do as they please. People should have the freedom to do what they want. "Unlimited" says to me infinite and varied possibilities. It should be a game of choice. But whatever, it's clear some people don't want every-day cars and it's clear other people do. If you don't want to drive the every day cars leave them in the dealerships but let other people do as they please. Let's just see what the trailer shows tomorrow, or, if it doesn't show alot, see what the coming months tell us about the game. Infact if you think an Audi Q7 is a supercar, well...
  7. I think we're meant to have up-to 20MB, but we're actually getting 6.2MB as of thirty minutes ago on BT. Although, saying that, it isn't peak time and I usually get between 500-800kb/s when downloading something at around this time which I can live with. I just cringe every time my download speed during downloads drops to below 250kb/s. BT got really rubbish last Summer. I monitored it every day and we were getting 1-1.5MB on SpeedTest.net. In typical British fashion I was about to write an angry letter of complaint but then it magically got better again. I know it depends on the area you live in but I really hate being done over this way. Paying for something and never actually getting it. As soon as fibre optic comes to this part of the country (if it does), I'll be changing to that as soon as possible.
  8. Congrats, have fun with your new found freedom.
  9. Thanks. I rushed into it too much so there are quite a few things wrong with it in my opinion. The height of the car in the front shot of the car isn't the same as the side profile shot of the car which is really bugging me and I didn't save it as a .PSD in all the rushing so I can't edit it :-x I guess I'll redo it today while I have the time. I'm off to London this weekend so I wont have the time to do it.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4RWkRcY3ZA Not what I'd normally listen to but I saw this Euphoria album advertised on the TV and recognised alot of the songs. It brought back some memories so I got it. Can't get enough of it at the moment
  11. Bought it off Play.com on Monday, got it Wednesday, one of the best delivery times I've had by them yet. As for the game, well, I don't know. In my usual fashion with GTA games I've got side-tracked with exploring and I've probably only done one or two missions for both TLAD and BoGT even though I know what Liberty City looks like inside out already. I like the addition of a few new cars, I didn't even know about them until I started the game up. I also like the new music for the radio. Suprisingly enough I'm not quite sure if I like L.C.H.C.'s music, it's almost like having a drill put into the side of your head. At first I thought "Wow, a GTA game with Death Metal music in it? Crazy! I'll have to listen to that station first". I've heard quite a few songs on there and other radio stations I recognise anyway. I also played a bit of online in Free Mode, hardly anyone joined the game, they all seemed to be leaving and then seemed to join when I accidently left the game running for an hour and went on the PC. I came back to find my character sat inside a blown up car being pushed around by a truck on the opposite side of the map to where I stopped playing. I've yet to try out the other modes although judging by some YouTube videos I've watched some of the modes look quite interesting. I think it's about time to crack on with the missions.
  12. I know what I'll be doing when I get to college tomorrow instead of doing work. Lels.
  13. It needs a volcano which throws out volcanic ash every so often. Just to keep people on edge. :p
  14. The latest in-car screenshot that I've seen looks very promising. I'll be using the in-car view the most so I'm more than happy. But as always, graphics aren't everything. I bet the re-playability of this game is much more than that of Forza 3. For me it will be anyway, I was bored of Forza 3 after 10 minutes. The graphics look pretty decent to me anyway. I'm so hyped about the trailer it's unreal.
  15. Default Windows 7 wallpaper was getting on a bit and I wanted a desktop background of my car, but I haven't been anyway to take any decent pictures of it yet, shamefully. I'll hopefully be going somewhere in the next week to get some decent photos. This can be my temporary one which I quickly snapped up earlier.. http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/d4.jpg I could swear my bonnet isn't even aligned with the rest of the car properly but don't tell me it isn't because I'll want a new one, lol. [mod edit:] Please do not post images larger than 350KB, use a thumbnail or a text link instead, thanks!
  16. Heh, I remember reading about this a week ago. I had to stop and think for a minute because I had bought Supreme Commander from there but then remembered I was being an idiot because I bought it way before April 1st :p
  17. New wheels. Haven't had time to put them on the car or clean them properly besides a bucket of water and a sponge and they've now got a coat of dust on them from being sat in my garage. Alot better than my old ones anyway. Three nearly new tyres and one which needs replacing. Some of the lines you may be able to see, such as the few underneathe the Peugeot badge in the middle in the first picture are just pieces of dead grass. http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1000836.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1000835.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1000834.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1000833.jpg
  18. More boring garden photos.. http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1000827.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1000828.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1000830.jpg First time I've used Flickr for hosting images. EDIT: Well, it was until I saw the photo sizes. Lulwut.
  19. I'm not really an aircraft type of person, but after visiting a local air show last year and seeing the Vulcan XH558 flying around over the airfield it was instantly my favourite. The noise it made when it powered up the runway and the short bursts of additional thrust as it flew around was fantastic.
  20. I can't wait. I really hope we get to see some new cars. I've had it drilled into my head that there is a Dodge Viper in the game, now.
  21. Heh. I doubt it's as laggy as my Xbox which only works half the time and doesn't work properly when it does work, or my PC which cries every time I think about launching GTA IV. Hopefully it wont be as laggy as you make it out to be..
  22. Well, I drove to Leighton Buzzard which is near Milton Keynes today. All I can say is some of the people around there must have some money. I don't think I've ever seen so many Porche's in one single day in my entire life, and no I didn't go to a dealership. Others I managed to get photos of, not that special really.. GT-R: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1000822.jpg This may look like an ordinary Passat but it's actually a W8 4-Motion, quite a rare car: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1000823.jpg Maserati Gransport: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1000824.jpg Bentley Mulsanne: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1000825.jpg Didn't get photos of: Audi R8 Ferrari 328 Fiat 500 Abarth Chevrolet Corvette C6 Another Ferrari I couldn't quite distinguish because we were going around a roundabout Oh, and I'm not kidding, anywhere between 25 and 50 Porches. Obviously my good ol' Pug annihilated them all.
  23. I may just be able to buy this for the PS3 after all. I'll see what's in store for me tomorrow. Hopefully I'll end up going somewhere which sells it.
  24. Oh, how I would've laughed if he'd lost control as he sped off. I've already seen a numpty in a Renault Clio flip his car over while trying to warm up his tyres today.
  25. A round the island race could be interesting if you'd forgotten to fill up before hand. It could mean the difference between winning and losing which, although probably frustrating, would at the same time make the game more strategic and edgey. I personally wouldn't mind that. Then again it might be implemented so that a full tank of fuel is added at the start of each race automatically or fuel useage may be turned off for races entirely. We'll just have to wait and see.
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