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Everything posted by mistermojo

  1. My brother's just started secondary school, I was shocked to hear some of the stuff people have said/done to him in the last year. I think alot of it is lack of care on behalf of the parents, they need to stand up and take responsibility for their kid's actions. About time people learnt to treat other people how they'd want to be treated themselves!
  2. Got an electric while I was at uni, ridiculously cheap and surprisingly cheerful :)
  3. Kitchen porter over summer, I also help with my mum's gardening business which mainly involves me mowing lawns, in term time I'm a full-time uni student :cool:
  4. Really sorry to hear that man :( Not even gonna bother posting my meagre bad news now :P
  5. Will be interesting to see whether it captures the sheer scale and immersion of the previous games given it's focus on online play. To be honest I'd rather just have another 'normal' TES game with a borderlands-style multiplayer if anything, especially as I tend to stay away from subscription fees, which it will no doubt have :p
  6. Gotta love a bit of Arcade :D As for me, totally addicted to the Biff at the moment...
  7. Still trying to get a work placement...99% of games companies won't even look at placement students and the ones that do are ridiculously competitive. Contacted well over 100 companies and had a grand total of one telephone interview with microsoft which I didn't get, and a 'proper' interview with a small indie studio which I didn't get either. Going to have to give up soon which I hate doing, but I need to sort out my student finance and find accomodation for next year as most student houses are gone now. On the plus side I'm hopefully going to be moving in with my girlfriend, and I've done alot of my uni work for second year...can't wait to just spend summer lazing around, but I bet I get sick of that within a week and wish I had some work to do!
  8. Gotta enjoy the last of my teenage years in style by spending it like I have been all my teenage life. On a computer :p

    1. Ponies are so 2011, it's all about the Bratz now. trollface.jpg
    2. Sometimes I just remember the stupid crap we used to say/do at college OH THE MEMORIES. But aye, I'll be coming down in a few weeks for my birthday so pub onnnnn lads methinks.

      1. SOIIIIIIII TWENNY OIIIGHT Them were the days :p

        1. Ahhh, the dreaded friendzone *shakes fist* ;) try not to worry about it, you never know what might happen! As for me I've got quite a bit of good news, been letting it build up in the time I haven't been active :p got through 3 stages of assesment with Microsoft after a telephone interview (which was absolute hell, I hate talking on the phone) and just waiting to hear from them after sending off my portfolio as I've applied for an internship scheme in production, art and design so fingers crossed, still got an assesment day to get through should I pass this stage though. Also got decent grades for my 1st semester, second year uni work, celebrated 1 year with my lovely lady and bought a crap load of stuff for my guitar and a new graphics tablet (that's my birthday and christmas money gone for this year and last year :() Definitely need some bad news to balance this out, got tons of work on at the moment, my next door neighbours are beyond noisy, and I've run out of cookies, jaffa cakes and fudge brownie ice cream :cry:
        2. Criss' catches my eye the most, all of them are awesome though :)
        3. Not sure how far I'll get with these but: - Get alot better at guitar. - Practice drawing and digital art regularly. - Learn how to make music properly. - Find to a way to stop myself getting stressed all the time. - Work hard to get a good work placement :D
        4. River Severn :) a fair few miles in from the severn bridge(s). I have a few photos of it on the horizon but they aren't very good. Seems I take 40 bad photos for every acceptable one ¬¬
        5. First post in a while here, uni work has prevented me taking anything worthwhile :p http://i403.photobucket.com/albums/pp117/mistermojo28/015_edit.jpg?t=1325884196
        6. Thanks :D I could never say "squirrel" when I was kid (always use to say "squirurel" or something retarded) so that could be fun :p
        7. I haven't been on this forum in months :( But I may have to contribute to this one when I get back to uni, sounds like a fun idea :D
        8. Unfortunately I can also contribute, my gramp died a couple of months ago due to natural causes. He had alzheimer's/dementia to the point where he couldn't remember who my mum was (his daughter). In a way this was better for him as he seemed pretty happy though, not sure he remembered much about my nan dying a few years ago either. Also just found out my granddad is in hospital with pneumonia and other complications, he's got over this before but obviously each time leaves him weaker so it's a bit touch and go really.
        9. I've always liked the Timesplitters 2 soundtracks, you can't go wrong with any of it really :)
        10. Oh look, it's CoD4 part 5. Seriously can't believe they have the audacity to release this as a new game, it's almost criminal really. Looks exactly like MW2, they didn't even bother to change alot of the character animations/sounds/models/graphics/HUD/textures, let alone any of the core gameplay experience (which sorely needs an overhaul, imo). The subscription thing is pretty much the final straw, I really hope this game falls flat on it's face and no-one buys it, people need to vote with their wallets seeing as money is obviously the only thing the developers care about. RAAAAAAAGE :p
        11. Looks fantastic, I'm still loving Oblivion so this will be amazing, got hundreds of hours on that game without even denting the main story. Would be cool if the Dark Brotherhood return, nothing more fun than running around killing everyone and breaking into houses :p
        12. You think so? Awesome :D Alot of people on my course are so much better than me, tis a little disheartening lol. They spend like half an hour on photoshop and draw the most awesome thing ever (plus they have super-huge egos, basically stereotypical art snobs :p)
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