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Everything posted by Jacob

  1. Yes It Is a Rebadged Cobalt but IMO the G5 GT Looks Alot Better Then the Cobalt SS Woot 666th post :)
  2. The First time i saw it i Hyper-Ventilated lol * Instant orgasm*
  3. You Can Choose Spoilers and other mods in game to My ACR Vipa http://i627.photobucket.com/albums/tt356/Jayster95/forza10-2.jpg http://i627.photobucket.com/albums/tt356/Jayster95/forza11-2.jpg http://i627.photobucket.com/albums/tt356/Jayster95/forza12-1.jpg http://i627.photobucket.com/albums/tt356/Jayster95/forza13-1.jpg http://i627.photobucket.com/albums/tt356/Jayster95/forza14.jpg 599 http://i627.photobucket.com/albums/tt356/Jayster95/forza8-1.jpg http://i627.photobucket.com/albums/tt356/Jayster95/Forza7-1.jpg
  4. I Think Mclaren Took some Panels and Lights from the Exotic Car Bargin Bin and then glued it all together
  5. I got 156 lol last time i check i then. I got more then 2-3 Enzos (Unless i sold 2 of the 3 lol) but i think thats the right number
  6. He/It is a Seal Point Ragdoll and is purebread. He Cost 1400$ lol Hes 10 Years Old and hes been at my side every second of the day for the whole 10 years
  7. I No you didnt but people in the past have negative reped me from stupid things like that.Because expressing my opinion
  8. Wouldnt you have to put it on the front because thats were the engine is??
  9. But technically the CTS-V is faster and better looking so reallys its moved up a rank from wanabe to just as good or better, And dont people go saying " its american i has terrible handling" its fast around the nurburgring then the M5 and as we all know the 'ring is "handling" Curcuit. I Hast Made My Ponit. P.S dont Negitive Rep Me because when i made this thread i had full intentions of it being a small debate.
  10. Urmmmm the CTS-V has been on the go since '04....
  11. Why didnt i think of that and your right... funny i actually saw one today to *faceplam*
  12. BUMP: To me its a pretty important update because it finally got to drive it! I Staled it 7times getting out of the driveway though lol. just drove up and down the dirt alley way behide the house so nothing major.
  13. I Choose the CTS-V have you seen its Pure SEX ON WHEELS! its the fastest sedan, Chrome just about everything 500+ Horsepower, to me the beemer is just a wanabe CTS-V Just with more settings. If you like the M5 your basically saying Hello my name is Mr.*name shall be with held* and i like my lights to turn off in exactly 42 seconds.
  14. Yes I Got Tons! There you go: http://i627.photobucket.com/albums/tt356/Jayster95/003-2.jpg http://i627.photobucket.com/albums/tt356/Jayster95/001-1.jpg http://i627.photobucket.com/albums/tt356/Jayster95/009-2.jpg http://i627.photobucket.com/albums/tt356/Jayster95/010-1.jpg http://i627.photobucket.com/albums/tt356/Jayster95/023.jpg
  15. When i say the title i thought a kid traped in a car, taking it for a ride, trys to park and HUGE Crash!
  16. I Like Lambos and im a guy lol. Ohhh the Simpleness
  17. Here a Couple more pictures of the Kittehs and one of my old doggie Snuggles: http://i627.photobucket.com/albums/tt356/Jayster95/007-2.jpg Shadow ( The Biggest One), Isabell ( Next to shadows but), And Lilly (The other one): http://i627.photobucket.com/albums/tt356/Jayster95/003-1.jpg R.I.P Casey :( http://i627.photobucket.com/albums/tt356/Jayster95/031-2.jpg
  18. Dupont Register. RideBMX. Transworld Skateboarding. And A Couple Others.
  19. FFS Its Called a Typo People, Just Because you forget and "e" Doesnt mean you dont Know how to spell it!!! As you can see i got to right the first time!! Stop Correct people on everything and get a Life!!!!!!!!
  20. Challenger because the challnger is my favorite muscle car!
  21. So Its A Mini Couper Get because coop sounds like coupe...No? Ok. Anyway I Dont Really Like it!
  22. The GTX1 isnt a production car.. i thought they only made like 50 or something
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