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Everything posted by UK HOTCARS

  1. Actually I just went back to Trade and the highlighted blue cars aren't all Tuned and some of the tuned cars aren't highlighted??? GC
  2. Thanks again Razor, as you may tell I didn't get a manual with my game!! GC :thumbsup:
  3. Cheers Razor, the only thing is I dont have any cars currently for sale and yet some of my list of cars are highlighted in blue. GC
  4. Am I being thick?? Probably! When I go to Trade, how do I set the price? All my cars have prices already set. Also, why are some of the cars highlighted on the list in blue? I'm confused :D GC :)
  5. Due to the overwhelming response to my previous pics, here are more lol!! With guest appearance from Redvette! I LOVE MY RUFF!! A car, a plane, the sun and some telephone wires! Cheers GC
  6. Cheers Razor, will have to catch you on the map sometime! GC
  7. Razor I wasn't making judgements and I hope it didn't come across like I was. I think my real question, which I guess is definitely none of my business but I'll ask anyway, is what do you live on? As in do you make a living doing what you do? Or, dare I suggest, are you on benefits? Either way its not my place to decide if what you do is right or wrong thats between you and your family! And I would love to pack in my Call Centre Supervisor position and play games for 100 hrs a week!!! GC
  8. So Razor what do you live on!!?? Okay its none of my business!!! Nice website by the way! GC
  9. Is that a fact?? 100 hrs a week!!! Bloody hell, get a job :cheeky: That takes some doing! Cheers GC :thumbsup:
  10. Hi Guys Any ideas why if I change the output type in Winhex to anything other than .jpg it won't recover anything?? GC :-x
  11. Probably best if you stay off XBL - it will mean I dont get enticed into secluded car parks by you for some virtual dogging (as my wife claimed)!! GC
  12. Motorbike and cruise ship is class!!! nice one GC
  13. They're good pics! Like the Merc particularly! GC
  14. Had a fiddle with the TV settings and with the Xbox settings but couldn't fix it. The game plays perfect full screen its just the pics??? GC :(
  15. Nope, afraid not just a usual oldish widescreen thingy!! GC
  16. Thanks for the tip I'll give it a go. Cheers GC
  17. My untouched pics look like this The big ones are 1280x736 with the little 256 width ones in the middle.... GC :(
  18. All my pics look very squat compared to others. Any tips for making them look better?? All I do is rip them off the mem card, crop the black borders off the pics then resize them or crop them further but they look very "wide"??? Anyway here are more efforts: Cheers GC
  19. Hey; really sorry I didn't say thanks earlier but thanks!!

    1. Great pics, defo worth investing in a transfer set up though!! GC
    2. Fizz/Cabbage (I get confused on they way you guys seem to change names lol) your pics are some of the best I have seen. I'm with Il Dire, the b/w one is just awesome. Nice one GC
    3. Its not required to have a front plate in the USA; I think there is a law called "backing up" which means its illegal to reverse into a parking space as the cops can't then see your number plate?!?!?! Maybe someone from the USA could confirm that, or correct me!! GC :D
    4. Some more: http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i134/UKHC06/TDU/Rufslide.jpg http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i134/UKHC06/TDU/Lambothree.jpg http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i134/UKHC06/TDU/Ruf3.jpg http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i134/UKHC06/TDU/Lotusslide2.jpg GC
    5. Great pics!! We really need to organise a photo shoot!! GC
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