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Everything posted by thunderhawk17382

  1. Yes - looks very good! also, can't wait to drive it Thanks to oldi & flow greetz
  2. Hopefully I will not write too many false things .... First the magic.map doesn't remove the filesize-limits - it allows us to use different sizes, compared to the originals. When we talk about 3MB Limit, the exterior.bnk is meant. To keep the file under 3MB, you have to resize some textures. In the past, Djey,tool and others have written about a 3dg-size-limit of 1MB. Over 1MB your car get invisible in the garage. --- BUT ... I and other modders have already used 3dg-files over 1MB. I still have not 100% information, how it exactly works. Exterior.3dg contains: high poly model low poly model low poly interior low poly shadow So ... if 2cvsupergt is talking about over 100K polys (like here) - he means the entire 3dg file. Rims and high-poly-interiors are in separate 3dg(&bnk)-files. best regards ---- feel free to improve me ;)
  3. Looking forward to this - see Avants coming :D
  4. Looks very nice! - I'm waiting ;) ... good luck with the rest of it @Krisman: No one has forgotten it. These models must be created first - I've tried it .. got problems .. lack of time .... sooo FlOw created this front-bumper very well (imo) best regards
  5. @EmKill: yeah - there are several things known ... but rather not for the usual user - i really need to clarify some things. @Djey: thanks for bumping and support - eventually it will be pinned up and can help some people @Tool831: yes - very good Q&A - thanks @StigSRB: As i told Djey before - i have read the same questions again and again ( no matter wich forum or language ) -- so the idea was born best regards E: improved a stupid spelling mistake^^
  6. :thumbsup:That sounds exciting! - Good luck with the rest of the project. Hope you will someday share your new knowledge. I am looking forward to the video. best regards
  7. [quote name='thunderhawk17382']..... So ... create a friendly posting, that you have received this error-message, in the following thread: [url=http://forum.turboduck.net/showthread.php?t=3739] Modding Tools[/url] .... IMPORTANT: attach your debug.log & ModAndPlayDebug.log to your posting. Maybe Djey can help us out of trouble ... (we can see where the problem is.) ;)[/QUOTE] @Spec-R: Do you notice something? Think without the debug-files, he can't help you/us! ;) - If you can't attach the files here - send it to me, via the email-address in my eleanor-thread/-readme. @Djey: Thanks for 1.13! - will use it for one of my next projects! The "new role-author system" looks very good. @all: is were a minimum of postings, before users can attach files:confused:
  8. ok now i'm confused .. so your game-language is "us" - isn't it? So ... create a friendly posting, that you have received this error-message, in the following thread: Modding Tools .... IMPORTANT: attach your debug.log & ModAndPlayDebug.log to your posting. Maybe Djey can help us out of trouble ... (we can see where the problem is.) ;)
  9. Nice to read that you like it. :) No - sorry dude ... it doesn't help because: I have decided to create a 5-speed version -- "Bimmer" has asked, if the real eleanor comes with 5 gears. I have already answered, that we don't know wich transmission the moviecar has .... and that the most replicas have 5 gears. Your mentioned company is "Classic Recreations" - They are also established in dubai, london, germany ... Basicly you can get everything, if you pay! You can also order auto-transmission! They build the cars with the remaining bodys from "Unique Performance", rare shelby bodys and classic '67 fastbacks. I knew the whole story (from creation, over unique perf., to classic recreations), but a big part I've already forgotten.^^ :D greetz Edit: After some research... The car is supposed to be a 4 speed in the movie, but most of the used eleanors were automatics.
  10. :confused: - You have misunderstood me. - This mod comes with "Go Baby Go-Button" since the first release. I know the scenes, where you can see the knob. Apart from this, it could be labeled as "AAA" and still be a "BBB" I'm talking about a scene, where you can see him switching through the gears (like 3 to 4 ... 4 to 5 or 3 to 4 to 5 ) best regards
  11. ;) If you want to uninstall - just run the exe-file again, select your language and click "uninstall". - have fun If you still have problems, just ask again. best regards
  12. It's a moviecar -- not everything what our eyes see in a movie, is really true. Haven't watched the movie for a long time - but i think in no scene you can see if it is an 4,5 or 6 speed transmission. But since they haven't used only one car, for the different scenes and they haven't used real shelbys, we should be able to decide. In many cases, i found eleanors ( "replicas" for sell) with 5 speed tremec t5 or ford-motorsport t5 .... i have also found some with 6 gears. Best regards
  13. DONE! - First post updated to v2.1 - have fun
  14. sadly - this seems to be the truth! I wanted to make a mod for another game - during the search of informations about the modding-scene, the searchengine offered informations about unlocking these files. :( So I think that there are a lot of people who can also "open" our files.
  15. TDU-car-mod-FAQ -- What is needed?/what is possible? (for now) Note: Most infos are already given in this forum or in the readme-files (included in the downloads) Backups: Please backup your files, before experimenting with mods. (Savegame & TDU-files) You'll find your savegame in "my documents"\Test Drive Unlimited\ Your database-files are located in "Your destination":\Atari\Test Drive Unlimited\Euro\Bnk\database\ It's your choice: Backup your complete TDU folder or individual subfolders. For more locations, have a look below. (Manual installation -- Q: Where should I place the mod-files?) Troubleshooting: First of all: Q: I want to use mods, but each time TDU crashes. - What should I do? A: First, you need Djey's Magic bnk1.map - find it here - please scroll down. Manual installation: Q: Where should I place the mod-files? A: "Your destination":\Atari\Test Drive Unlimited\Euro\Bnk\... ...Sound\Vehicules\ <-- Sounds ...FrontEnd\HiRes\Gauges\ <-- Gauges ...Vehicules\ <-- Cars ...Vehicules\Rim\manufacturer\ <-- Rims Destinations may vary ... Have a look into your TDU-directory it is not hard. Create backups before experiment! Q: Mod comes with "auto-installer" - Can I manually install the mod? A: Yes you can - search for "patchs"-folder, this contains all the important files. Note: Some installer come with camswap or other changes, so it can lead to problems. Q: Mod is based on RS4 - can i replace the A6? A: You can - just rename "RS4"-bnks to "A6_V8" and paste it on the right places. Note: Think of things, like cam-position - this can lead to problems. Automatic installation: Q: There is a .exe in the download, called "ModandPlay" or "Modname" - What is it/what is an "auto-installer"? A: "Auto-installer" is coded by Djey. - Modders can create scripts for it, that install the mod with all required files. Just double-click the .exe, click the arrow, ceck your TDU-path/choice your language and click install - have fun With this file, you can also uninstall the mod. Note: "auto-installer" creates backups of the bnk-files - BUT if you have already pasted a mod to this vehicle-slot, it can only backup the current files. Q: This installer doesn't work / bring the game to crash. What's wrong? A: Please contact the modder and attach your ModandPlay.log files. You will find it below the installer, after the Installation. And then, if it's needed, the incriminated modder will have to work with Djey to improve the tools / fix an issue. Q: I have used physics-installer - Every time I play online, i get an error message/ i be kicked from the server. What's wrong? A: In most cases you have to give up the physics, or play offline. For a better understanding, read Dredgy's guide. When the physics are hard modified, you can not play online. Miscellaneous settings: Q: The cockpit-view is not working. - What's wrong? A: You have to do a "cam-swap" - in top of the most mod-threads, a camswap is listed - if not, ask in the thread. Download and use Djey's Modding Tools to do the cam-swap in vehicle-manager. It is an easy to use program - if you do not work out how, you can look in the modding-tools-thread. - Most questions are answered. Do not forget to back up yor database files! Q: Position of the seatbelts/driver looks strange - What's wrong? A: You have to do a "ik-swap" - it is the same as above. More info: Q:Why does my game FPS go lower then average? A:When installing mods, each car has a different poly count. This effects drawing distances in order for the car to render within the game's graphics engine. The higher the poly count is, the more chance there is of lag or an fps drop occurring when playing. Sometimes, having higher system specs than the game recommends usually works out better when playing the game. Q: I installed my new Bmw - Can my friends see it in online-mode? A: NO - They see the car, that they have installed on this vehicle-slot, on their HDD. Q: Can we get "custom-physics" for our Bmws or Bugattis? A: Yes you can, but in most cases only for offline use ... some mods already come with "physics-installer". You can do your own physics with Dredgy's TDUPE, but read the thread in detail! Q: Some mods do not replace any car. - Can I do it myself/Why can not provide all modders this feature? A: TDU won't allow more than 2 more 'new' vehicles at the time. The reason is you can't add files - you can only replace existing files in TDU folder. Detailed information for programmers or people with such skills: Major part of the protect-system, is the bnk1.map file. If someone achieves one day to allow TDU to start without loading this file, he'll bring the solution everyone is waiting. If you feel adressed, feel free to post here, or contact Djey. - HELP is welcome. Q: How can I create my own car-mods? A: Just search - program-lists/basic-tutorials/guides are available in many forums and different languages. If you have no desire or time to search for these things - STOP here and enjoy the finished mods. ------------------ feel free to: -post comments -post ideas for other frequently asked questions and suitable answers -copy this to other forums ------------------ TDU-car-mod-FAQ [ver. 1.3 - 28. Dec. 2011] by thunderhawk17382 infos by Djey/Dredgy/Tool831/thunderhawk17382
  16. :) First release is over 1 year ago and I 've lerned several things of TDU-modding. More over - with the current development of TDU-Modding-Tools (specially the possibility to create patches) and TDUPE, we have powerful swords in our hands. Too sad that I didn' t have enough time, to do much more cars. Eleanor [2.1] will come with Djey's "auto-installer" -will be available for GT500 & Daytona - vehicle-slot -changes wheel/tyre-size to 245/40ZR17 -in case of the daytona, change windows to "manual" -more will be listed by publication best regards
  17. Hey shark, i 've already adjusted the chrome on gascap and radiator-grill, for ver. [2.1]. -- Think in ver. [2.0] the chrome was to reflective/glossy - so if you mean this, i will try the rest also. greetz
  18. [quote="Marlborro Man, post: 274708"]hahaha,another disappointment... :lol:[/QUOTE] You have bumped this thread and said such things in 2 other threads from oldi ([url=http://forum.turboduck.net/showpost.php?p=274705&postcount=39]M6[/url] & [url=http://forum.turboduck.net/showpost.php?p=274705&postcount=39]Z4[/url]) - are you only post comments, to promote anger? [quote="Marlborro Man, post: 274719"]:oU R not God, but like Jesus here....;)[/QUOTE] [U]Seems[/U] it only to me, or have you read my [url=http://forum.turboduck.net/showpost.php?p=274607&postcount=273]posting[/url] in tduzoqqer's thread? Why couldn' t people just enjoy the finished mods, regardless of who they are. @oldi: you should report this thread, that it can be closed -- so people will not be disappointed and others can' t nag.
  19. @minime: Your are right ... some people think, tool is a god who can do EVERYTHING ... some people starting fight, against every one, who says something against tool or his projects .... some over, don' t respect other modders and their projects - BUT that's not tool's fault. sooo... @all "users": respect the modders/their projects and their invested time. @modders: Don't fight against each other @tool: Nice to see, that you helped tduzoqqer out! - as you did months ago, as you told me, how to create non-milky-glas - THANKS @all: sorry for going EXTREM OT @tduzoqqer: keep on modding - many people like your mods and your mods are getting better and better. best regards Stefan
  20. coming soon - eleanor 2.1
  21. Filefront-Links added in first posting! These links are temporary - In the next 1-3 days our (J/T Tuning) database will work again. @GLUK566: That can not be serious. I can't read russian - so why should i upload my filese there? Try the filefront-links. Maybe ask me or an online-buddy, to send you the files via pm. @r1de15: Sorry, i had not noticed your posting. @r1de15 & m3-94: Try the filefront-links. please - Do not ask other people, whether they can upload the files somewhere else. I want to know how many times my files have been downloaded. And notice - i am still here .... there are reasons, when i don't answer or upload the files to other hosters .... in this case, I thought we could repair the j/t-database sooner. best regards Stefan
  22. Perhaps I can improve it, simply by using better material-settings. But the whole thing is limited to the Juiced2 3d-model and textures. I'm currently working, on an update of one of my other mods. - you will notice it in the coming days. best regards edit: @impreza: Flo Rida - Right Round
  23. @zubi: I often make pictures, with open and closed windows. But your are right, moving spoilers or vents are better than the boring windows. Too sad that Eden has given us no dummy, for moving carparts. However - it is tduzoqqer's choice. @Shyguy: Do you drive the cars if you start TDU, or do you still sit in the garage? ;) Take Grin's Porsche Cayenne ... you can lift it up and down - this was an nice idea. I think it does not matter, that the whole body rotates with one door. However - opinions vary @TDUZoqqer: keep on modding - Good luck with continuing the project
  24. @Den55: Just read my posting above @all: The server is online -- But there is a database-problem soo ... i am sorry to say ... at the moment, you can not download before people report the same thing, again and again.... i will close this thread after this posting ... will reopen, when the downloads are working again Edit: Switched because my database-problems, to rapidshare - links work in the next versions, mirrors will work properly... greetz
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