About This File
I disliked erroneous Platinum pack Enzo FXX sound so i spent numerous hours learning and trying to make my sound mod. I based it on the sounds from the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFy17tL2NiQ The resulting sound is not stereo (i think the TDU1 needs mono). Also somehow the Audacity software which i have used was unable to amplify the volume of the imported .mp3 more without quality loss, thus the resulting quality is rubbish. Note also erroneous looping in high speed and RPM due to my soundtrack start and end is different (i am unsure if i will have energy to fix it and beside that also replace "default" sounds when gas pedal is not pushed, yet current state does not bother me and i think is better than Platinum sound). In this mod i only worked with 3 sound tracks for RPM where gas pedal is pushed, rest 3 when pedal is not pushed i left default for now. For each track i changed pitch (option in the Audacity - so the sound is different in various RPM - maybe not necessary or bad idea. One can change pitch and the speed. When changing speed, then one needs very long steady sound which may be problem to find on the internet. One may edit the sound manually, but it is too difficult and time consuming to return something good. Better to use long sound track and find part with steady RPM from beginning to the end. Nik Golič already written a tutorial on how to mod the sounds. https://turboduck.net/forums/topic/37088-tutorial-how-to-make-a-sound-mod-for-tdu/ and i also composed my own tutorial which i added to his topic. PS: if you dislike my work, i can send you original audio files so you make a better quality sound. This car really deserve it guys Actual .bnk file (last updated 5/16/2020) needs to be added to C:\Program Files (x86)\Atari\Test Drive Unlimited\Euro\Bnk\Sound\Vehicules\ backing up original file is advised.
PREVIEW sound: click Download link to download short video. (If You want Youtube preview, please upload video to Youtube and PM me the link, i will publish it here.)
Edited by vit-jan0