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Still no windows 11 fix?


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  • 1 year later...
On 10/5/2022 at 1:43 PM, Markan said:

I hate windows 11 but both TDU and TDU2 work without problems on it for me. I think your problem might not be with the OS. Go to event viewer next time you start the game and check what it says.

I ran the event viewer and it said error 1000, so I repaired system files and it's still crashing. Now idea what any of the rest means lol

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  • 4 weeks later...

Same here. Windows 11, AMD Raden 6600, AMD R5 3600 - TDU crashes when opening.


  • The strange thing is - I installed the game yesterday and it opened so that I entered my CD Key and created a new online profile.
  • Now today I connected my steering wheel but the game never opened. 
  • Most of the time it showd the loading screen, animated to version info 0.03A and then closes.
  • Now If I use Launcher - it just crashes without showing anything, while if I use TestDriveUnlimited.exe it does show the loading screen up to version info 0.03A and then closes.


  • EXCEPT now I suddenly got the TestDriveUnlimited.exe to open in fullscreen, while through the launcher it still crashes!
  • I have no idea why and what is happening. Should I go try with steering wheel again just to not be able to open the game the next day?
  • Any advice with similar crashes welcome.


  • Now went to my steering wheel rig (Thrustmaster TX + USB H-shifter + USB handbrake) with a different screen (Freesync, 34" ultrawidescreen) and again the same crash in TestDriveUnlimited.exe - it does show the loading screen up to version info 0.03A and then closes.
  • OK, toggling Freesync OFF made no difference. Running with Desktop resolution at 1920x1080 like on the screen where it worked also did not help
  • now I can get the same result with Platinum launcher or TestDriveUnlimited.exe if I run them in FULLSCREEN - it does show the loading screen up to version info 0.03A and then closes.  If I launc in Windowed mode - I see nothing but black screen before a crash (even though originally I entered CD-key and created profile all in Windowed mode.)
  • Still can not play on my steering-wheel screen.
  • Maybe game crashes because of too many controllers? Or audio devices?


Next update:

  • disconnection the Handbrake USB device the game does not crash as before, now it "self-Alt-Tabs" and gets stuck with black screen as is typically the problem when running fulscreen and alt-tabbing. Then with a number of tricks I can get mouse and Task manager back to kill TDU to exit.
  • Of course It still crashes directly if I try to run in a Window - so no luck staying in Fullscreen and crash in Windowed mode 🙂 



  • now with "D:\Games\Test Drive Unlimited\TestDriveUnlimited.exe" -w comman line option I can actaully start the game... and stay in it. It is stuck in 1270x800 resolution and I can't get my Thrustmaster steering wheel to map right turn direction, but I guess progress???
Edited by SDX
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I can report that TDU1 Platinum now works fine on Windows 11 as long as I use "TestDriveUnlimited.exe" to launch the game, after I did this fix for the "self-Alt-Tabbing" problem:

  1. Opened Windows 11 System ==> Sound settings
  2. Selected unused audio playback devices (Realtek Digital output) and chose "Don't Allow" to use this device for audio.
  3. Now I can actually run TDU1 in fullscreen (Borderless Windowed mode still crashes).
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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I have this problem on windows 11. I have this error on original d3d9 file. When i change d3d9 file, the game works but he try to connect on Gamespy... 

Update: Of course i reinstalled all DirectX pack and i have again this problem.


Capture d'écran 2024-05-11 110745.png

Edited by THOM9445
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  • 1 month later...
Le 20/04/2024 à 13h43, SDX a déclaré :

Je peux signaler que TDU1 Platinum fonctionne désormais correctement sur Windows 11 tant que j'utilise « TestDriveUnlimited.exe » pour lancer le jeu, après avoir effectué ce correctif pour le  problème « self-Alt-Tabbing » :

  1. Système Windows 11 ouvert ==> Paramètres sonores
  2. Sélectionnez les périphériques de lecture audio inutilisés (sortie Realtek Digital) et choisissez « Ne pas autoriser » pour utiliser cet appareil pour l'audio.
  3. Maintenant, je peux réellement exécuter TDU1 en plein écran (le mode fenêtré sans bordure plante toujours).

Ca a marché pour moi, merci, enfin TDU 1 sur W11
Pour ma part c'était les périphériques Steam Stream qui me bloquaient


Edited by calarade35
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