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Blurring Wheels

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Guest RB26DETT

NOTICE: I myself am learning about photoshop so this may not be the best guide out there. ;)


I find it easier to use a car that's facing sideways/


Step One: Load your image onto your workspace and select the Elliptical Marquee Tool.



Step Two: Select the wheel of your car.



Step 3: Go to Edit and select Copy Merged.



Step 4: Open up a new project, and paste the copied wheel there.



Step 5: Once pasted, go to Filter -> Blur -> Radial Blur. Set the mode to Spin and quality to Best. The amount will be based on how fast you want the car to look.



Step 6: It should turn something like this.



Step 7: Go back to your initial project and create a new layer and put your new wheel on top of the old one.



Repeat this for the other wheel and your final product should look like this.




Guest RB26DETT

sorreh master randeh of the photoshop :(

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