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Everything posted by Eudemon

  1. Nothing special with Baldred, that's just the way he looks is all, that is him in the red shirt btw... or was it a blouse? I can't remember !
  2. Yeah sorry mate, I'm very busy sleeping right now.
  3. What's funny about this is that Microsoft was going to announce an Xbox Ultimate with a built-in HD-DVD drive but due to Warner Bros move to switch to Blu-ray exclusively and it looks like Paramount and Universal are about to follow suit.
  4. *Moves bucket away* Yeah it was rancid hence why it was cheap but hey it had to be done ! Hey baldred where's my change? I gave you a £4 note. Watches for Iced_Bullet to try and make me a nugget for the deliberate £4 where in fact it will be him! :D :eek:
  5. RB imo you are nuts to scrap your original entry mate but it's your choice so good luck !
  6. Hey now that's a misleading title! :D Right answers here we go: 1) From what I have heard, no but ventilation is apparently better when it's horizontal and not vertical. 2) You need either a camcorder, DVD-Recorder or a Capture Card in your PC. I wrote a guide in the Video section in this forum. 3) Due to Atari and Eden never bothering to finish that community site you need to extract the Photo file to a Memory Unit or XSATA device (search for Datel) and then use 2 pieces of software to then extract and convert this file into your images. 4) Hardcore mode must be bought from the Marketplace for 160 MSP and then it will become available to you on the main menu when you reach Champion level. Hope that helped!
  7. Glad you like them guys, sorry to TSS for your awards mate but then I just added them and take it on the chin as it's all fun anyway! I wish I'd never started the bloody thing but hey it worked out way better than I intended and I learned some very valuable info with it.
  8. Thanks mate, but then I did create this place. :D I know you were referring to the OP but having it under my own quote is too good to pass.
  9. Spammer gets a special picture for their trouble.
  10. *Phew* Everyone's done now. Thanks to everyone who voted and who won and who lost by winning. :D
  11. Hi there RabidRabbitRiot (that is one normal name that's for sure). Welcome to TDUc, it's cool to see more people around who are crazy - in general and - about this game and I'm sure I've seen your tag around on the island as I always remember tags that are just as normal as my own. :D Regarding your quest to hit an Eagle and an Explorer, stick with the mad squad that's frequently on the island and you'll have that by ...let's see it's 7:10PM, so about 7:15PM. Good to have you aboard RRR, pull up a chair, grab a strawhat and make some cheese and toast and join in the fun! :welcome: BTW How did you find us as we're quite well hidden under all these milk caps?
  12. Wow Tim is the TDU server down or something? I mean you're 25/7 TDU usually! ;)
  13. It happens everywhere to be honest, you'll find maybe 20% of the community will be active and then there will be another 20% who will stop by and check stuff out maybe once or twice a month. No forum has more than 50% of it's memberbase being active unless it's new. As with a forum like ourselves, when new TDU info becomes available that when visitor spikes happen again, it's just the way it goes and in our case we're lucky to have such a good active following which makes this an enjoyable place to visit and participate in rather than just watch. I've even seen members with 0 or 1 posts who have played the arcade. lol
  14. Hi there ravedisc, welcome to TDUc, I see you've posted your question in the PC section so hopefully some of these muppets will be able to help you. :welcome:
  15. Test Drive Unlimited: NFS Sucks ;)
  16. Yeah you got to keep those best laid splans for the future eh Iced? All that splanning just gets tedious without having your splan splanned out first.
  17. Yep definitely the TT though if you like a challenge do what I did, use the Alfa.
  18. La Guardia, isn't that the Police in Spanish or something? Also just noticed the PC 'H' for Hardcore mode is different than 360. Nice pics though.
  19. It's lunchtime in certain parts of Australia, does that count?
  20. That was done as a promotional event for some Japanese fashion retailer iirc. It didn't stay that way and it got people talking about the retailer.
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