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Everything posted by Eudemon

  1. To be honest most threads go sort of awry here, we just try more with TD based ones. :susp: :mhmm: A whole website?
  2. I played that World's Scariest Police Chases game, left it at my cousins one time though and never got it back.
  3. Think we'll hear more about this in 2013? I'm wondering whether I should move this thread to the muppet side now, been here a while. Might make an interesting talking point.
  4. Ry of course they ended it, kind of. Ross gets back with Rachel, Chandler and Monica got their kids and their house in the suburbs. Phoebe stayed Phoebe and Joey went to Hollywood failed and went back to live in the garage above the 'Bing's' home. Sorted?
  5. Guys I said to name the game that would essentially be TDU3 without the TEST DRIVE name. IE no Atari involvement. :fp:
  6. Here's a challenge then, think of a name for a TDU3 without it being able to use TEST DRIVE in it's name.
  7. Would have been easy actually. :cheeky:
  8. I think what NFS has lost over the last few iterations is it's charm and also it's craziness. The older games had a charm with the look of their GUI's and the whole being able to watch a brief video about the car as well as listen to a voiceover explaining the specs and such. It's craziness was in it's tracks or environments for which many people who played the earlier games will be able to roll the names of places off the top of their heads no problem. Usual mutterings will consist of Hometown and that damn 90 degree turn, Aquatica with the epic tunnel that's underwater, Landstrasse with the long tunnel [aaahh pillars!!] and high speeds, Durham Road with the broad accents of the police chatter and with myself being a Scot, I have to mention Celtic Ruins where it was always fun to see just how fast [and excited!] you could get the police chatter to report your speed. :D There were jumps aplenty with bridges and shortcuts, you had to use your brakes and of course you had to outrun and outfox the police in pursuit of you. Teasing the slower pursuit cars and then seeing the 'supercar police' hounding you down was always a sight to behold and you knew you were in for trouble when you saw them taking over. Being able to turn your lights off at night to avoid the helicopter and the other cops, don't if this was meant in NFS High Stakes/Road Challenge but it did for me on Landstrasse a few times. NFS had the fun of a racer nailed, always picking the best and most unique cars; think Cala, Nazca and the bonkers El Nino and to their credit they carry this on with the series today but what they have lost imo is the essence of NFS and it all started to go down hill after Hot Pursuit 2 with you guessed it; the Underground series. Now I'm not saying tuners and drifters and all sorts don't deserve to be in NFS as after all you got to roll with the times, we don't get crazy cheatcodes and FREE bonuses after completing games these days such as suits, giant heads or dancing skies as DLC is more important. However I think the focus being on one demographic or the other is really hurting the series, should it be street racing or exotics? Why can't it be both! The original Most Wanted is actually one of my favourite because unlike the two Undergrounds that preceded it, you were not required to deface or mutilate your car in order to progress. I could grab my Porsche 996 turbo, leave it as is or 'DUB' it and the game continued on regardless. And I did this with many cars, I even quite liked one of the kits they had for the Gallardo and the chases were great fun with those bloody heavy as hell Rhinos, a psychotic pilot in the helo [thankfully minus exploding barrels and missiles] and the supercar top squad with 'Cross' I think his name was definitely made the pursuits very eventful. :nuts: Who knows though what will happen, after all you can't say that the reboot of Hot Pursuit was awful as it sold a few million or more and no doubt with the same team behind the rebooted Most Wanted sales have been good again. Plus it's not like the companies can just do a game for the fans anymore as games cost so much to develop these days that they have to make sure the game sells in the first place!
  9. Coming from the previous game it's easy to see how people hate the handling in TDU2 and unfortunately it actually makes the game not worth playing for many people, just look around many places and see the general consensus. There are people who don't mind it and to me the handling resembles very old style gaming where you drove with the D-pad of your controller due to it's twitchiness. There is nothing to say a driving game can't cater to everyone, it just seems something that many developers don't take the time to work on. Forza Horizon is a decent example as with all aids on and the lower difficulties the cars are very easy to drive however it still instils the need to brake and slow down for turns and such as it is not a full-on F-Zero on wheels like Ridge Racer or Split Second type game. TDU was the same, you went to fast you hit the wall or a tree in most cases. However it was drivable even if it was floored [flawed] in this area and this is why many many people hate TDU2 and don't rate it much in relation to the first one. In summary. TDU is often said to be a decent driving game with a dodgy environment. TDU2 is said to be a dodgy driving game with a decent environment.
  10. 個人覺得故事性很重要 <--好像很多餘 但是也是會建立在個人對呈現媒體的喜好,比如說銀河鐵道可能會被很多人喻為神作,但是作為類似我們的ACG宅,即使故事性很好,也不會有動力去看 回歸我心目中的神作好了 果然還是CLannad, 淋漓盡致地帶出了'家庭'的感動 還有故事裡穿插的笑點也很有愛 小圓嘛,作為萌系跟內涵事故的反差來說是個很好的作品 但是還不能算進個人的神作列表裡 神作還是少列點比較好,不然這個詞就沒意義了 其次我還很喜歡ONE PIECE, 跟Clannad不同的是, 故事裡充滿了'友情' (嘛雖然有些人對民工漫這詞印象不好) 要是有人問我OP是個怎麼樣的作品, 我會回答"很偉大的作品"
  11. Yeah the studio being Bizarre Creations was bought by Activision a few years ago and then shut down after their James Bond game flopped, but Microsoft own the rights to the PGR name so they could easily bring it back if they wanted to.
  12. I really don't think FM5 will be on the current platform, I was just throwing a little swerve into the topic with the whole PGR thing, however it does raise the question of will there still be a PGR for the launch of the new console as has been typical in the past?
  13. Better collision physics would have made those game modes a lot better though as would improved netcode.
  14. Sup eggs! That's a good varied bunch of titles you spend your time on there and one many of us here will frequent, avoid or sometimes read up on to see if there's anything new regarding it. Welcome to t:duck:!!
  15. Yeah that's the thing, they would have to overcome the hostility to themselves that's felt by many. Not quite sure how you can sort that one out to be honest. :umm:
  16. 治愈片,贊 我以前還給它做過字幕組翻譯(至於是哪個組的我就不多說了) 上次去唱K的時候還唱過夏目的歌
  17. Yeah I read their latest financial publication, there's only so much time that investment firm will allow them to flesh out their repayment term, plus the shareholders must be looking for blood as every year they seem to get shafted even more than before.
  18. I doubt it will have more cars, if anything I don't know if it possibly can as for the next-gen a lot has to be done even though you would imagine a large amount of the required groundwork in taking the models to the next game would already be done or has been planned for after FM4. It's still a lot to do for 400+ cars after all.
  19. Damn right sir. Here! Here! *said in a House of Lords manner*
  20. The Forza Motorsport series is good at many things but one of the best things about it is the fact it comes out roughly every 2 years. Now the previous iteration of Forza Motorsport 4 came out in October 2011 meaning that if Father Dan 'The Beard' Greenawalt and his team stick to this release schedule then it stands to reason that Forza 5 will in fact come out before the end of this year ..that's 2013 just in case you've been under a rock all this time. We know that this years E3 is going to be a good one, not just because of the likelihood of the next generation of Xbox and PlayStation probably being shown but also with the new games that are due out too. However if you've followed previous run-ups to the release of a Forza title you know that the announcement can be anywhere from a year, to as little as 6 months or even less. So if Xbox 720 is shown at E3 then could that mean that FM5 will in fact be a launch title for the console which let's face it would be a giant feather in it's shiny exterior cap (if it has a shiny exterior of course). .....or to throw a spanner in the works; could FM5 come to the Xbox 360 and a brand new re-birth of the Project Gotham Racing series in PGR5 be the launch title racing game to start the next Xbox's time off? Aha there's a question for you as think about it. Hasn't a PGR title been released at the launch of a new Microsoft console each time? I think so. :cheeky: And to add to this, PGR was Xbox, PGR3 was Xbox 360 so the next odd numbered PGR release that could release at launch of a new console would be ....oh wow, it's PGR5!
  21. Well it is an open-world game so public transport would fit in well. :cheeky: Not sure about UFO's and Godzilla though. Maybe have some Theme Hospital for the Ambulances to depart and return to also.
  22. I guess that would depend on if EA was behind it.
  23. Hell yeah to that!! However I feel FH needs a direct competitor to stop it going out of control with it's DLC program. Imagine if in 2014 we got Forza Horizon 2, Test Drive Unlimited 3 and a new Midnight Club from Rockstar. Now that would be interesting.
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