Well reading about you'd be forgiven for thinking this is the most awful game ever to come about, but in fact with myself having been gaming since the Atari 2600 and having played the original Alone in the Dark then games like Resident Evil 1 and 2 and Silent Hill etc, the controls, which is what most people moan about do not bother me and I am actually one of the many few (it makes sense trust me!) who really enjoy this game.
The story is alright, the innovation and thought that's needed to pass some of the puzzles is quite well puzzling but well worth it once you figure it out. The use of your items to make things like bombs, molatov's and of course sticky tape everything is somewhat interesting as it really does mean players will more than likely play the game not all the same.
I might write a review on this game once I'm completed it but so far the ones that say 3 and 5 and even 6 are either not into the Survival Horror genre, don't like it when the game doesn't baby you around by saying go here and do this and lastly, makes it difficult in the combar, no run and gun, you can run, but certainly not gun at the same time if you want to stay alive.
Also you'll read about people going on about the real-time inventory and how it can be fatal when you're in a battle with something and you need to grab something, well to me that's frustrating but fun as sometimes you're so jumpy you pick the wrong thing and then you get killed and you're like "bugger". lol
I'm leaning towards a 7.5/10 personally, and to steal a quote from a user who reviewed the game, Alone in the Dark is a "flawed masterpiece".