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Everything posted by TIMELESS

  1. Change your colours and I'll be on MSN ;p

    1. Just realised that I've missed talking to you :p Yeah, JUST! :cheeky:

      1. TIMELESS

        My French Tank

        I'm intrigued and scared. :hmmm:
      2. Oh I know, I normally don't get that much thanks to stressssssssssssss :p :glomp: xD

        1. >.< 7 hours sleep, a stressful trip to the airport and a flight but nooooooooooo.. I can't just have some peace! /woman

          1. Tbh, not tonight I don't :p I'm knackered, weill be chilaxing on front of the.. erm.. TV show on my PC. :lol:

            1. Tomorrow :( Assuming I don't mysteriously disappear for 3 hours, ask my dad if I can stay, or.. erm.. I don't know.. what ever else you can think of that stops me from going back to the hell that is Colchester.

              1. I have no credit! (ofcourse) But yes. We should. And probably will. Once I'm back home.

                1. I've heard people being quoted £1000+ for a 998cc Mini.... >.< *moves to America.. and takes a Mini with me*
                2. Happy you're-older-now day Jeff :D
                3. Good to know they're coming soo- very shortly. I'll have to buy some M$ points so-..metime shortly.
                4. I hate it and have absolutely no idea what it's meant to be..
                5. HEAT Online <-- project torque xD

                  1. That sucks :/ How bad are the scratches? Could nothing take them out? How about a cheap coat of paint? xD
                  2. Jeromy Clarkson.. Top Gear.. lots of sliding going on there.... +1 to Ryzza.
                  3. Why can't he say Forza? xD Fortsa 4! If it's true.. I have to say.. it sounds good lol. I won't give up on xbox just yet xD
                  4. Happy birthday Timmy :D I'm tempted to send you a really big cookie in the mail :lol:
                  5. ... That's if I can follow :lol:

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