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Everything posted by TIMELESS

  1. *rubs arm* >.< Sure xD

    1. Both my latest purchases there :D I think I'm going to have to try and sound-proof my dad's garage, I can't really have the volume beyond 1 on my HiWatt here :lol:
    2. http://oi51.tinypic.com/s0wkz5.jpg

      1. I don't know how that's possible, Reaper joined after me, but yeah, I somehow did xD Me and Reaper tried doing races earlier but neither of us could see eachother, same in the clubhouse (happened to me and Mellors too), and I lost a off-road race in a Veyron :lol: I wish I hadn't changed from my Delta lol
      2. Sorry, I walked off :lol: Well, invite me to the next one now that I'm here lol :)
      3. +1 for the democracy xD How can I participate in club races? :hmmm:
      4. I can't believe how great it looks! Is that really the original paint? It's so shiny!
      5. You could go all out and do something like this: :p
      6. Lmao, very good.. xD It came it too dark/blurred - the lighting in my room is rubbish :lol:

        1. XD I did draw one but my phone camera's flash just makes everything white :fp2:

          1. You can upload your pictures to something like imageshack then post the links here :) Avoid trees :btup
          2. Any chance of invite? I've got a duck-mobile!
          3. Wow, that looks great :btup
          4. XD Message to short *stretches*

            1. Sweeeeeeeeeet. Get some videos too :)
            2. :evil: Yourself, I was on yesterday and you weren't there! Bare in mind it was like 11am but my point still stands!

              1. I may be late.. but yes.. he's dreaming :evil: :D Great movie though. Probably better than The Matrix, another epic movie.
              2. Woops xD I thought imageshack would lower it enough xD
              3. http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/1170/desktopspp.png I haz notes too :evil:
              4. :lol: Meh, just wait until summer, I'll be so bored I'll have to talk to you :cheeky: Yes, I'm kidding xD I'll... possibly be on soon ;)

                1. Youtube :cheeky: I got to the island.. or... a island, and sunk in the water around it. Again. >.< Do I try it at high speed? lol
                2. Doesn't want to work for me.. edit: the get through anything, that is.. :hmmm:
                3. Worst mic in history.. but I think it works. At least it does after boosting the signal by 40db..
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