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Everything posted by TIMELESS

  1. Did Nissan stage a takeover of Mercedes or something? Seriously, I don't get it. :hmmm:
  2. So uh... shall we talk about this now?
  3. Damn I knew you'd pick Christine :( Now I need a new idea. :hmmm:
  4. Haha I suppose you have a point there. :hmmm:
  5. I'm hoping for lots of unscripted banter, because that ^ is what I watched Top Gear for.
  6. And who's to say you wouldn't enjoy surprise a spirit of ecstasy now and then?
  7. Snowwwwwww :drool: Not massively interested in the cars in this one but I'm sure I'll have fun in the RX7, and my dad will enjoy the Sunbeam :lol:
  8. Doctor Strange, best Marvel film in a while. Though it's got to be said Benedict Cucumber can not do an American accent. This incredible documentary hosted/narrated by Leonardo Di'Caprio: Before the Flood - Full Movie | National Geographic - YouTube It hurt my soul. I feel terrified of the future of this planet and the corruption in the world.
  9. Agreed. If you want a fast german AWD, you go buy an RS4/6. If you want to die sideways you buy an AMG.
  10. AWD-only. Whyyyyy :(
  11. No, you did not, I went to looking for it before I bought this thing :p Was just going to buy the same mic that you did but then I remembered I hate spending money and this was cheaper... :whistle: Sounds fantastic Tom. :btup
  12. A cheap one (Microphone for Smartphone, Blusmart Omnidirectional Condenser Microphone for iPhone Android Smartphone, Laptop Macbook, iPad, iPod Touch with Lapel Clip: Amazon.co.uk: Musical Instruments) and I taped it just under the boot lid. Surprisingly not bad wind-noise wise but jeez it can't handle the volume or the bass. :hmmm:
  13. Love it Milli :D Bought a microphone on Amazon, stuck it onto Celica ass, recorded. The mic did not fare well. exhausty stuff - Clyp I'll try again with some Tesco sound deadening sponges.
  14. Happy day of the Diablo, D :bjump: Hope you celebrate like a true Scot :wrecked:
  15. Mk6 R or S3, the rest are so :yawn: to me :hmmm:
  16. Yes there are monthly DLCs for 6(?) months and then usually a couple of big ones after that. :nods:
  17. Wee update, stopped by the mechanics yesterday to see how he was getting on, he had the suspension and radiator fitted, so we went for a test drive. I have been in many different cars, but I've never felt anything stick to the road like that... it's insane. Anyway we're picking her up today so I'll hopefully have a better exhaust video today or later in the week :nods:
  18. Iron Maiden :nods:
  19. Ya'll have confused me. I guess Ozz is​ right. :p
  20. Wow, fair enough Kunos, not charging extortionate amounts for a Porsche DLC (I'm looking at you Microsoft). Looking forward to this, with AC's fantastic physics.
  21. One of my favourite games ever. I'm foaming at the mouth just at the thought of a sequel.. :drool:
  22. I don't believe it does let you choose, no. Even finding the .exe is impossible.
  23. Agreed. If it doesn't terrify small children it isn't working.
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