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Everything posted by Ozzmcom

  1. if you have a good hour to kill
  2. more like it
  3. well :evil: anyway if we go on topic again I wouldn't obviously impose those on the children but like I said I wouldn't censor it either
  4. I was going to like that post but I think diablo removed it from the options :lol:
  5. Interesting I mean it depends I guess. My parents didn't care what I played when I was young and I didn't turn out to be a psychopath serial killer and even though I think the violence in-game hardly transfers over to the real life some people might get affected HOWEVER if your concerns are those people there a lot more happening outside video games to be considered cough* TV cough*. Anyway back on topic I think violence, swearing, nudity should be there and I am against all kinds of censorship and I would apply the same rules to my children. If they want to go for it they can go for it, that way it won't be a tabu thus they won't make a complexion,obsession or fixation out of it.
  6. [ATTACH]21920[/ATTACH] really curious how well this thing will work. I've been told it works quite good with FM5 but we'll see.
  7. I should be the sales manager for xbox instead of that lalalalala really [ATTACH]21916[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]21917[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]21918[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]21919[/ATTACH]
  8. I guess we'll wait for hassan's verdict
  9. so rallying counts?
  10. [ATTACH]21911[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]21912[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]21913[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]21914[/ATTACH]
  11. Monorail 1 (US) / Traveller (EU) (Monorail) Initial Pricing: $2.00 Boat Ride 1 (EU) / Canoes (US) (Boat Hire) Intensity Rate: 0.30 (Low) Nausea Rate: 0.70 (Low) 2+0,3+0,7= Half Life 3 confirmed
  12. I did not complete it, these polls don't make much sense. I mean a lot of the situations it puts you through depends on many variables that could change any time. I wouldn't take them seriously my advice to you guys.
  13. instructions were not clear, I ended up scoring retard
  14. the wheel definitely is a game changer, I've noticed that pretty quickly after playing the beta on the controller. It took most of the fun away.
  15. yeah not really drifting indeed, it's more of a loophole in the physics rather than a natural conclusion of input. But WHATEVER I mean it's only a game not the end of the world, it's still fun with the weird physics. From day 1 I wasn't actually expecting it to have TDU hc mode physics anyway.
  16. yeah I'm with diablo, that looks nothing like the crew
  17. So I've played it for a bit have to say I'm disappointed. Now a lot is to do with me not playing with a wheel. On PC that was HUGE fun but with the controller it's SO weird. I mean horizon2 feels like iracing next to this. It's SO arcady, not that anything wrong with arcade but and the cars are so hard to correct with a gamepad. The tires are too gripy, impossible to drift the car unless the game gets into that 'drift mode'. So like the previous beta the physics are still detached and not organic in any way. I didn't see any differences in graphics but the noise filter at night time is reduced at least. I can't really compare further though because a lot of problems I've had was with force feedback and wheel support on the PC beta. Lets hope they are improved at least.
  18. [ATTACH]21870[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]21871[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]21872[/ATTACH]
  19. I should do that too sometime soon :hmmm:
  20. I haven't played a game on my pc since I've got this. Somedays I won't even turn the pc on :D
  21. yes it is :nods: thanks all for the kind words :D [ATTACH]21852[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]21853[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]21854[/ATTACH]
  22. that's questionable, I guess it depends on your liking. If you're not really into japanese cars GT is basically hell.
  23. [ATTACH]21837[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]21838[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]21839[/ATTACH]
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