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Everything posted by Ozzmcom

  1. alright I'll poke you on steam
  2. timely reminder of the track day that's going to be held today . 2 hours to go PSN : Ozzmcom
  3. it's those damn focus groups telling duude you should put in my car as well it'll be really coool , which is pointless causing you to have all sorts of rubbish but hey better than any racing game's list anyway on the other side.
  4. lol acid let me try some maths with it too User: Okkay. Cleverbot: And... User: Ready for your exam? Cleverbot: What am I being punished for? User: No punishment just an exam. Cleverbot: Have you passed it? User: Shut up and answer please. Cleverbot: What was the question? User: What is the second degree integral of 2x-(x.x) , I'd be glad if you graph the measurement. Cleverbot: I'm a university student. User: Aha. Cleverbot: What? User: I'm sure you are. Cleverbot: You just said I was boring! User: Moving on , what is the highest height a conic shape could get if its radial is 5 cm and its ratio to its domain is given in f® = 5- 1/x. Cleverbot: It depends on where you are. User: You know how you said you were a university student. Cleverbot: Should I know? User: You should you're a bloody computer. Cleverbot: University? College? User: Yes the place you've never even seen. Cleverbot: Well, I AM king. User: I'm sure you are. Cleverbot: No from venus. [mod edit:] Please don't double post. Use the Edit button instead.
  5. it's midday , 00:00 is usually used for midnight instead and ryzza yes gmt +1 , uk time is not gmt0.
  6. cool shots post-rendered shots always look good and it doesn't cost the system anything.
  7. yes I agree good choice, here's something from the first album I've ever got in my life.
  8. Track day this Sunday (16/10) (as my brother is coming back to town and I won't be able to abuse his 360 by playing fm4) Track : Nurburgring Nordschleife Time : 12:00 (UK Time) Rules : No car / tyre limit although Redbull X1 is STRICTLY banned. Absolutely NO CONTACT. Rammers won't be tolarated at all , you can report rammers to me and I'll kick them out. Keep your racing line and let faster people overtake you , don't turn this into dirty competition we are not racing there are no prizes. Track time / weather will be set to match the real one at that time. Hope to see you at the track! PSN : Ozzmcom
  9. Congrats SBCriss for winning the last round. Week 3 New theme : Nissan GT-R N24 Schulze Motor Sports Photo travelling : yes (I guess) Rules: No voting for yourself don't be ridiculous there are no prizes. Winner chooses next week's theme. Entries must be less than 350kb in filesize! Photoshopping is ALLOWED Closing Date : 17/10 (Monday)
  10. -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
  11. yeah it is more fun , that's on 360 btw it's my brother's game so :P
  12. there are lots of cars in gt like that . They are just duplicated to reach the 1000 number. Veyron and few other cars are imported straight from psp so I would imagine they need lots of work. And also I don't think it took any time for them to modify the cars that were already in the game and sell it for $8.
  13. oh thanks patch I'm honoured
  14. closing date is tomorrow get your votes in
  15. yeah I have to say forza is far ahead of gt in the car list section , even forza3 could easily beat the list.
  16. I'd still pay for it if it was $10 . I love spa that much. Where's I won't even spend my time looking for that car pack in ps store.
  17. SPA FTW I'm defo buying it. Altho I won't buy the car pack they're all the same :hmmm:
  18. trust me broseph , there is no pc powerful enough yet to run fsx on full settings with add-ons above 25 fps. Well there used to be when i7 980x was on sale . I don't know maybe it's back up there.
  19. nice one patch I've finished recording my first fsx movie it should be ready tomorrow.
  20. :cry:this is depressing:cry:
  21. do you? I didn't get anything
  22. the idea is editing is allowed in potw2
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