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Everything posted by Ozzmcom

  1. oh dear what a shambles of a game, so they won't kick out the cheaters but they can kick you if you edit the physics. Tell you what though I can swap the £30 they owe me to a really hard punch in the face to someone from eden or atari.
  2. this is very true, but then I remember diablo saying we won't support modding on this forum because somehow eden still supports the game (:rofl: I know I laughed too) but anyway the only way this game could survive is by modding I believe kanyo is right.
  3. Defo this
  4. R.I.P Clarence Clemons
  5. lol yeah they've died out in the late 80s
  6. yep agreed, also there's a high possibility of him being armed . I wouldn't even film that for that matter
  7. I think squirrel is an euphemism for atari employee
  8. all types of professional racing is hard but I wouldn't think nascar is harder than any other type. As for entertaintment I think going around circles in cars that look exactly the same is for pikeys. I prefer to have some corners.
  9. hehe yeah shame in the radio version they cut the hammond solo. That's a cracking tune by ccr. Lets have some more vietnam soundtrack :P https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Je8MXiwmNIk
  10. the hammond solo in this is almost like a spiritual experience
  11. you're aware it's not really their job to go and protect the people where they can get hurt themselves by a douchelord as you described. It's a police matter.
  12. I haven't got an idea but I have a picture meanwhile at the eden studios -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
  13. lol , I love the way he tries to explain what happened.
  14. ooh another classic , I've been thinking of posting mj lately thanks for reminding
  15. timeless classic camryt
  16. I can say I only liked gran torino from your list , and I think I've watched most of them z06dude. Apart from avatar , that's kind of poor :P If we're making a list tho Magnolia Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Reservoir Dogs Forest Gump Mulholland Drive Soy Cuba God Father would be in the top of my list
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FqA2WINPF4
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItnLlTE45J4
  19. any car during a race is fine -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
  20. the game itself is not on-topic so it's only fair
  21. nice carpet, it looks like millions of dead worms
  22. nice , watch out tho you can fill that up with junk in no time :P
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