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Status Updates posted by Dux

  1. Hello mate. 
    I am not sure what is the problem but i get the following almost always:
    The thing is, i whitelisted tduck and everything but i'm still seeing this.
    I don't want to block tduck ads i am totaly ok with it showing ads, dunno if the problem on my side or maybe adblock detection is confused.

    1. Eudemon


      it's probably not your fault, I am working on refine the detection, thanks for letting me know

    2. Dux


      Thanks for a fast reply. I do hope its not on my side, i am seeing ads anyway bu still get that popup. Good luck with refining.

    3. Eudemon


      done refining, lemme know how it goes now

  2. Hello! How can i edit my post in my thread? Its not possible anymore? I want to update download link.

    1. Eudemon


      are you not seeing an edit button? I am not aware of any setting would prevent this

    2. Dux


      I see it now. I havent seen it before, maybe this redesing made everything clearer. Many thanks!

    3. Eudemon


      glad it works for you

  3. is there a mod for TDU for the civic like that purple one you have on the signature!? please answer if you know! and sorry for my bad english.....

  4. o.k. thx for answer!!! it's very nice car, one of my favorite.....

  5. i ja sam iznenadjen, i to me raduje. . . iLLusion imam pitanje, jel znas neki dobar mod za noc, woznju po noci? ti se bawis tim stwarima....

  6. hwala iLLusion, sad sam pogledao i nasao sam zanimljiwe stwari!

  7. jel island paradise samo oko 8 MB ili je to samo dodatak nekom predohdnom!? ne zelim da instaliram dok ne budem siguran? inace super izgleda...

  8. hah iLLy sam ti rekao da si najbolji.... :P

  9. pozdraw iLLusion mozes li mi reci odakle si skinuo onaj X5 na slikama za IP!? pliz, hwala unapred!

  10. ok hwala skinu cu taj X5 da widim kako izgleda. wideo sam winter add on, dali to znaci da cemo imati i zimski IP!? ako sme da se zna. . .

  11. super, kao i uwek puno srece! ne sumnjamu u najbolje! GL!

  12. iLLy druze moze jedno pitanjce? sta je vanilla TDU? ili TDU vanilla, kako se wec tacno zowe?

  13. hwala na odgoworu :) weliki pozdraw!

  14. hey bro! yes i did, i love this car. honestly don't like russian mods but this looks nice. THANK YOU very much bro really.

  15. hi man. i want to ask you if you can and if you want to change my name to Dux92T. i would be really happy if you make it. please! :) :) :) :* :D

  16. no man, it's not. but i had black one very similar to this :) black and with different rims, but i wrecked it :(

  17. yes bro, for me it is when i even mention it. i hope i will buy another one soon. . .

  18. Dux

    ae posto nemas poruka posetioca, ewo ja da te samo pozdrawim, drago mi je da ima nas srba na owom forumu. pozdraw i srecno sa modowanjem, widim da si naprawio oaj X6M interior, dobar posao :) :D

  19. cao iLLy, jel znas mozda sta se desawa sa TDU Forums? ne mogu da udjem na forum, ne otwara mi? puno pozdrawa! Dux

  20. hi Crim, how are you? i miss TDUForums and you guys there :( Dux

  21. i hope that everything will be ok soon bro, really miss that forum . . . and you guys :)

  22. hey Combat, someone posted your WW Bora on Dredgy's TDU Forums 2003 VW Bora VR6, is it you, or does he ahve your permission?

  23. its done man, you don have to worry anymore ;) its deleted :)

  24. its ok, i just reported it cause i recognized your mod and admin erased it :)

  25. hey hey :P

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