Before you go doing all this, make sure you rember to back up your test drive folder just incase.
For car modding files that have three files in it, (such as Must_GT.bnk, Must_GT_I.bnk and Must_GT_F_01.bnk) you need to drag the first two files (not the _F_01 file!) into C - Program Files - Atari - Test Drive Unlimited - Euro - Bnk - Vehicules. It will ask you if you want to replace two files, say yes. If it has a rim file in it as well (such as Ford_GT_F_01.bnk) there is a folder in the vehicules folder called 'Rims' Go into it and there will be all the brand folders. Go to the brand you are modding and drag the _F.bnk file in there. Just remember that the .bnk and _I.bnk go into the main Vehicules folder and the _F.bnk goes into the rim folder. You can change the car you want to add your mod to (Such as you may want to keep the Audi S6 but the mod has the same name as it). So if this occurs, just rename the mod files to a car you want to change. Just be carefull because some modders such as Tool831 do not allow this. DO NOT do "bodyswapping" if the mod page clearly states it.
For the Released section of car mods. Lots of Modders also supply a "TDU Mod and play" file in the car download file as well which installs all the files automatically. Also look for a physics mod in the mod page because that adjusts all of the performance specs and usually the car name to the car you are downloading.
If you knew how to install and where do I find it in the game (Sorry If Ididn't understand the message 100%) Go to the car mod on this site and it will say what car it replaces (Such as the GT500 Eleanor replaces the pontiac Firebird)
For sound Modding, there will be one file in the sound folder you downloaded and it should have a name like this example: "C6_Z06_audio.bnk" to add it to the game, go to C - Program Files - Atari - Test Drive Unlimited - Euro - Bnk - Sound - Vehicules. Now, drag your sound file into this folder and again say yes to the replace a file message. For the released sound mods section
For HUD modding drag the HUD file you downloaded into C - Program Files - Atari - Test Drive Unlimited - Euro - Bnk - FrontEnd - HiRes - Gauges. Again, make sure you say yes when you drage the file in. I would really reccomend using HUD mods since you can completley change a car on TDu to your liking with the car, sound and HUD mods.
Environment Mods are normally all different on how you install them but they are normally made to be placed in the "FX" folder which is in the "BNK" file. Environment mods are great to make your gameplay look better and if you like taking shots (All the photoalbum's are located at
All the environment mods are located at :
Camera Swapping you will need to download Djey's modding tools which can be found at this link : This has a readme in the download file so I dont really need to go into depth for what this program does but It is absolutley brilliant.
The last Thing you HAVE to have installed in order to use any mod whatsoever is magic map:
The magic map for version 1.44:
The magicmap version for 1.66 with Megapack:
And the magic map for version 1.666 without megapack is:
I hope this makes it all easy for you AceGT500 :)