To focus: Press square. The focus will be in what is in the middle of screen. If you want the focus in offset, put where you want the focus to be on in the middle, press square and then you move the camera to the position you want the photo.
Moviment photos with the car stopped just rims spinning: Open the menu and select mode 3. (It comes as mode 1)
Shutter speed: How long the camera will be open, lower the number, more time open, that means rims spinning and stuff. Higher the number, everything will be stopped, because the camera will open and close really fast.
Exposure: Brightness.
There is something that max number is 45. That is the background definition, higher the number, better quality, lower the number, more blur it will get. I set in the lowest to find where i want the focus and then adjust the rest.
Hope i helped. Lol