I never thought to post something here... but, oh well... i actually don't care anymore.
All started yesterday, when i asked my friend what he was going to do at night... he told me and also said maybe we could go out today night again... So, i was getting ready, was when i realized my hair and other things looks like crap, then i told my friend i was not going to get out at friday night, because many things to do today morning... So, all ok for now.
Then i wake up today, at morning... spend a lot of time caring about my hair and bla bla bla... all ready to go out today and stuff... asked my friend if it still up, he said yes, and he was just checking who else want to go... which is ok for me, probably we are going to a nightclub or so... so, more people, more fun. My friend told me to wait him tell me what hour we are supposed to leave... so yes... i'm still here, waiting, and it's 2am already...
Sorry for all that english fails...