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Everything posted by RobikV3

  1. Then how come it started exactly at 20:30? :D Dont worry Ry you didnt miss much they were mostly showing teams customizing their cars
  2. Oh man sorry to hear that, it doesnt look that bad though
  3. You lucky duck :bananamad: All this talking is boooring btw i want some gameplay
  4. God i am so stupid :fp: CET is my time since i am exactly in center of Europe :fp3: Edit: Stream is starting right now if anybody wants to know :)
  5. Thanks those time zones are really confusing me every time i want to watch something
  6. If its true then things will get interesting Nissan will come back to LMP1 in next year also
  7. Finally confirmed PC ver but i hope for some new features, i mean come on PC can handle a lot more than some lame PS4 or Xbone, and give me them mods!!
  8. Looks good but too fast in some moments like when he kicked out the guy from the truck but at least it doesnt have a cheap horror story to it like FC3
  9. @​Ozz It looks interesting sort of gave that immersion feeling like Mirrors Edge did when i first played it love that. Battlefield Hardline looks good i have to say Visceral did better job than DICE ever did with BF franchise though i doubt ill be buying Hardline maybe when it'll be cheap on a sale or something Ubisoft is really striving for that #1 Publisher place and so far theyre really doing a good job on it.
  10. Ive had this vision of SRT-15 for some time but in more Gatebil style twin turbo 1500bhp full GT500 bodykit
  11. This is awesome! I cant wait for this weekend im watching in the night this year no way im gonna make that mistake again. Btw that R18 sound like a jet when flying by :D
  12. I have to stick to YT coverage unfortunately since the most interesting parts will be in middle of night here :/
  13. @Ryzza Those policemen almost got blasted by jet fighter? LOL
  14. For me the high frequency thingy was On by default, about kill trades today I traded with FAMAS against Scar twice bot times i fired first lol I m gonna go on CTE now look whats different
  15. Yep its still alive and going strong, and unfortunately there's no sign of it going away
  16. Its supid how it benefits high ping players, you run into guy with 100+ ping and he's invincible
  17. Yeah thats the problem, we could stop buying but there are always people who will buy it just like they buy EA products no matter how broken they are.
  18. Yeah its still not even on BF3 level which wasnt too good either but it was playable BF4 just isnt for me.
  19. Not really the already stated that its not going to be pay2win, microtransation are optional everything is possible to unlock via progressing, sure there might be future DLCs but they rather be like Forzas DLCs, not like War Thunder or any other MMO you can think of, after all its not free2play game.
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