Well, can't say I agree or disagree with this. But I can say that since I finished the last few races and got bored setting lap times round some of the tracks my game has been sitting idly in my drive apart from the every-now-and-then occasion where I get stressed out and just want to cruise along. The Casino is pretty boring because most of the time in a driving game I want to "drive" not "play poker" and when I do want to do so there's not a player in sight.
I've made a small club and recruited a bunch of random people I thought were pretty good after they beat me on a one-on-one duel, but it seems that they haven't been bothered to play the game for a while. Last time I saw another guy in my club was 2 months ago. In fact I've already removed it from my drive once, I only decided to re-install it fairly recently because I was a delusional -hat that thought there might still be signs of life, well, there is a slight resurgence but not enough to make a trickle into a torrent.
So, as of now, I'll just wait and see what happens, I'm used to waiting for long periods, though usually with tougher projects like webcomics or big mods for my favorite game and not a ruddy patch that's basically taking the good part of "forever" to release.