Sad winner - written by tomsolo. (All rights reserved, including filming rights.)
A beautiful summer race day and a terribly angry team boss. Thus began.
- I do not care how you do it, but we must win! Do you understand? Do not stand in for me as bunch of losers! So let's do it the roll call!
- Vince?
- Meeeh!
- Squirrel Mafia?
- ...
- Squirrel!!!!
- Aye aye, sir. Sorry sir.
- Clancy ? Where is the Clancy? Where?
- He's in the hospital, sir. Sick.
- What a sick?!
- Three pedals, one foot. It was the Clancy's problem.
- Yuck! Next, Frank?
- I'm here, boss.
- Penelope?
- Yeeees?
- Nevermind. Cammy?
- Quack-quack!
- Ernie?
- I'm not here, sir.
- Idiot. Daizy?
- Meeeeeeeeeoooooohahahaha. Sir.
- Very funny. Ramonde? Now someone tell me where is Ramone?
- Up here, sir.
- Graham? Graham? WTF, who are these girls?
- Sorry, sir. They are my... cousins... of cousins... of cousins... of...
- Enough, Paul?
- Zzzzz!
- Well done, now listen to me!
- Shame. It's a shame. Look at yourselves: like the animals! And you, you want to win any race?
Thus began, as we said, but unfortunately came a huge strorm and the race was canceled so the animals lived happily until he died.
The next day.
(Rest in PC).