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tomsolo last won the day on September 3 2013

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  1. False. I used fast travel for revealed all radars, landmarks, hidden car elements in world map - whitout driving. Just place the car in a discovered grid corner/edge then back to world map tadaam... more 2-3 area set status discovered. I clicked all less 2.5 hours, and driving all 2-3 km.
  2. Sad winner - written by tomsolo. (All rights reserved, including filming rights.) A beautiful summer race day and a terribly angry team boss. Thus began. - I do not care how you do it, but we must win! Do you understand? Do not stand in for me as bunch of losers! So let's do it the roll call! - Vince? - Meeeh! - Squirrel Mafia? - ... - Squirrel!!!! - Aye aye, sir. Sorry sir. - Clancy ? Where is the Clancy? Where? - He's in the hospital, sir. Sick. - What a sick?! - Three pedals, one foot. It was the Clancy's problem. - Yuck! Next, Frank? - I'm here, boss. - Penelope? - Yeeees? - Nevermind. Cammy? - Quack-quack! - Ernie? - I'm not here, sir. - Idiot. Daizy? - Meeeeeeeeeoooooohahahaha. Sir. - Very funny. Ramonde? Now someone tell me where is Ramone? - Up here, sir. - Graham? Graham? WTF, who are these girls? - Sorry, sir. They are my... cousins... of cousins... of cousins... of... - Enough, Paul? - Zzzzz! - Well done, now listen to me! - Shame. It's a shame. Look at yourselves: like the animals! And you, you want to win any race? Thus began, as we said, but unfortunately came a huge strorm and the race was canceled so the animals lived happily until he died. The next day. All. (Rest in PC).
  3. I continued the investigate parameters of the unreleased cars. Some typical problem/blocker why not working this cars: - blue line is higher as red line's value - can't shift or autotransmisson is failed - empty differential paramters values ^ - empty or weak brake values - weird that friction parameters allways use 2 - undefinied tyres type like :"##"(. btw: other elements used too, like files names). In memory I'm easily rewrite any values - some STRING parameters like tyre types just need edit pointer (wich indicate the end of string) too. I tested with Maserati MC12 Corsa, the editing and compare base datas with working cars estimated 10-15 minutes. With file modding this limitation maybe can be solving rewrite tyres type to 2 chars - in tyres.bnk xmb files names, and replace all: Offroad_Good / Tire1 / Tire1_Bike / Tire1_Supercar /Tire2 to /OG /T1/TB /TS /T2. (maybe need edit cpr files too?) Another step need indentify wich ## pair used in this slot. (2896 unknown ## pairs < as 64x64 (4096) I think is not to hard find, just replace with counted pairs (like A1, A2...) If working this trick is maybe usefull for other elements.
  4. Still available on the net, - :P - but I have some reason I why not shared: - unreleased bike freeze other player's game - only med quality mesh - but playable if copy as high quality mesh - I ain't the discoverer
  5. l can only hope it won't leak. :panic: Do you feel difference? No? Because not. Since 2 years I'm allways hear this^ mantra, but enough. Okay, lemme share few secret with you: 1. If anybody want to this or simliar sh33ts for c h e a t i n g the game , he already bought to S3thioz or Vlad or watch some laughing programmers videos on youtube and make it owns. The TDU's data structures is a realy big secret like a rocketdesign, that's the way why are listed readable in the exe. LOL 2. I made some cruise in last week: all 2th people have something cheat: fly, overloaded tunning, cpr hacks etc... Well I 'am really worried what will be happen if this leak. But I think it's not going to happen because I'm able to trust people.
  6. Funny message in the localization: "You really are a LAMBORGHINI lover! You already have %NB_REQ% of them!" :D
  7. You exceed Inbox size ::)

  8. Yeah easier, as verify many working HC mod. Simple: I trust in me and my choices. Nice to hear it. This is mean you already know this, just forgotten sharing this info. But what happen with your file? How do us know, that you don't sharing this with anybody? :P BTW: up to now only one modder asked: Minime891. He is a modder? He ethical? :D
  9. What? All thing have risk, but the look at the thread's subhead: Some usefull stuffz and infos for etchical modders and players This is car specific parameters, forget the cpr file...
  10. I got flu on this week... - snort, snip - but was little time and I made a map of DBCarPhysicsData* in the memory. :) *This is not correct title, but I'm too sick to hit exactly. 286 vehicles and each object have ~ 200+ parameters, well this is a 24 MB size table. (The first loading time in the CE is will be a half minute.) Since similar data - similar structure of parameters pair - are in the database, it's maybe a useful stuff to any modder who want to edit this or plan a yet another hardcore mode :) I tested some parameters and the abs slip ratio is looks promising, but do not expect much from this. These parameters is near 99% is correct, let me know if I missed something or wrong. Some parameters marked an asterisk _at_end * this is a pointered value in the most case. And last, I dont want to public, - due to high cheat and other things - but if you are a modder, send a pm for me and I will drop a dl link.
  11. I try rerun with blocked antivirus and sandbox settings pls patience... #Edit: was success! 142 files are left in the Unknown bin folder. :)
  12. By the way: I lost my filelist from previous extracting but i found the old 1 years old extracted folder it's work, but totaly modded :D Here some interesting screenshots what I made: - modified materials by hex editor - chrome rims - improved lighting dashboards - modified interrior colors - improved windshield - remove dirt and changed opacitiy - modded grass sizes and hd colors - chrome bodies Cinque Tricolore Grand Sport And the Superbike 848 EVO from the DLC2 beta participant (it's was easily access on the net, salut french friends !:P ):
  13. Is there any difference the filelist this and other what available on the xentax?
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