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Everything posted by Hermano_Nintendo

  1. Racing is repetitive by default, i mean, is a circuit where you drive agaisnt other drivers, there isn't anything else about it, but TDU2 cups and championships weren't only about races, there were speedtraps, time attacks, races and up to 6 types of trials so i find them hardly repetitive.
  2. Wait ¿For real? How do i get and older executable of the game? :$ EDIT: Did it, but it only unlocked the golden bomb missions. Well, is more than nothing
  3. Yep, south-Oahu cup races only gives 20.000, and i can't remember how much can you win on Airport Sprint, but it was basically the only online track where grinding was viable. It was clearly a move to sell the Casino DLC, wich is the only real way of grinding money relatively fast but damn, i want to drive, not to sit in front of a slot machine (i already did that to buy the Koenisegg, and it felt horrible) EDIT: Also, i would love to win those cups again, it was amazing when i played the game for the first time. Doing the races just for the grinding feels stale.
  4. I'm aware that this may have been already discussed to death, but... any chance on being able to replay the cups and championships getting the prizes again? Money prizes of course (i don't care about prize cars) Grinding is getting awfully boring since having an online race is nearly impossible (not in Ibiza, but is in Oahu where prizes are higher) and no way in hell i'm using a trainer (Used Car dealer exploit is a shortcut, but even with that is way too long) Also, Tesla Roadster anyone?
  5. What does UpLauncher says about your NAT?
  6. That looks awfully good, and greatly hyping when i'm just about starting an online sessions
  7. The servers fell yesterday then got back online again after a few hours. DLC cars are still free (paid with TDU2 currency i mean) for me .__. And they were for other people ingame too (they were text-chatting about it)
  8. Hey i'm a cruiser too! I use to drive Classic and A7-A4 cars! Now i'm into driving bikes too, mainly the Harley Davinson
  9. Again, the same as in the official forums. I got tired of replies like this one (if you like it it's fine, but you are wrong) years ago. Wasn't there mods for the handling? Would you kindly link me to any mod that replicates the TDU1 handling model? As i've been seeing it all these years, i'm able to handle almost any driving model in driving games, last time i said this was years ago but i wouldn't say that i'm wrong. Edit because i was being a jerk. I'm seriously sorry.
  10. I'm still failing to understand. TDU2 is not the only racing game i played in my whole life (nor the only one i'm currently playing either) and i don't find the physics nor the driving model bothersome or uncomfortable. Is the same as in the official forums, everyone complaining here and there and i just playing like the game intends me to play. Maybe is the same as controller layouts, wich have people complaining all over the place and i can play effortlessly with a Dual Shock-like controller, an Xbox 360-like controller or even using a Wii remote as a steering wheel. Sure, the handling isn't the same as in the builds i got as press, in fact the cars tend to glide more and you have to be more careful, but if you can't adapt to the game why do you play it? Is not like it's unplayable.
  11. Let them take all the time they need, Unnoficial Patches are awesome, they need to keep being awesome.
  12. Well, i don't exactly understand why you say that TDU2 handling isn't fun, maybe it's because i didn't play the original TDU but for me it certainly is. My time with the game is well distributed, can't give percentages but i know i've spent a few hundred of hours cruising by Ibiza and Oahu.
  13. tbh i don't know, i've been using Universal Launcher since August '13 - when i discovered the unnoficial patch via Steam Community - and don't know how exactly works, but if you play offline DLC is still locked, and i remember it because i spent 9 months without internet playing the game full offline, not being able even to connect to the authentication servers. Anyway, UL tells me that the servers are up, so something is really going up here.
  14. Yeah, i remember Destra's dedication. For me, that and how it seemed that he was ignored was definitely a sign of how things had already gone from bad to worse. TBH Test Drive Unlimited 2 was my first TDU, i was already fond of the Test Drive series but got my - barely gaming friendly - PC just in time for TDU2 an got really excited, and when i became a press member and Namco Bandai sent me a mail with a beta version of the game my hype went to the clouds, only to get crushed when the game started to die slowwwwwwwwwwwwwly after launch. Seriously, somehow the game had issues that the beta versions i played hadn't (handling, connection issues that weren't there before launch, bugs...) I still love it (i wouldn't play it if i don't) but i get so sad every time i think on it situation that i'll be seriously happy if they kill it already, unlocking the DLC for the sake of allowing people to fully enjoy it, the only issue i have with the game dying is the servers closure, but i'll trust the modding community in that one.
  15. Sadly, given the situation i think that unlocking the DLCs could be the most right thing to do (DLCs for other games like Burnout Paradise are unpurchasable now) and also that makes me think on the whole license issues thing, because even if they stop selling the game they'll be still earning money from the DLCs.
  16. Well, that could be the reason, but if you go to the Atari website the game has dissappeared from the spanish, italian, deutsch and french marketplaces =/ License issues maybe? We're in early 2014 and if i recall correctly the same happened to all Activision's Marvel games.
  17. So i was taking my usual "bored search" on Steam and decided to search for Atari since i've been thinking on the company lately, and the game has no price nor option to purchase it, just like the Ghostbusters DLC. Could this be the reason for the Free DLC bug? It had an insane sale this christmas just like some Activision games that has been already delisted. The game is still there, in the Atari.com marketplace, but unavaiable in Steam. EDIT: Not avaiable in the Spanish Atari website either.
  18. This was handled serverside if i recall correctly, and there isn't known way to change it offline. Sorry.
  19. I experienced this too. To be honest, i hope they drop the DLC lock already. Is buggy, is hard to buy and since they slaughtered Eden Games i don't feel like giving money to Atari. Seriously, as a press member i was there when the hype engine was at full force, i played at least three builds and wrote 2 articles + a 30 min. review in our podcast, but then the game came out, it recieved so-so scores (i LOVED the game so scored it highly) and Atari just abandoned it, i also remember the mess the game were before that, and never believed (and still don't believe) it was Eden Games fault. If Atari had any intention to support the game since its launch, we wouldn't have seen that HORRIBLE DLC management, the debacle that was nearly every update and we wouln't have been almost alone in the forums. Heck, i even applied to be a Community Manager for the game. So, if this bug becomes more than that or is proof that Atari is about to free the DLC i'll be happy, i'm not supporting the game anymore in the sense that i must keep legal and i must keep the game files untouched. I'm not stealing anything, but i'm modding the heck out of it and not using Uplauncher anymore. I promoted the game, i bought the game even when they gave me PC and 360 versions for free, i bought all the DLC i could before buying Atari Points became a chore that required a Paypal Account that forces me to wait 1 week before i can use my credit and i used their support ticket system before they stopped answering. Eden Games earned my money, but they don't exist anymore, so i hope this becomes more than a bug.
  20. Happy new year! As a curiosity, since the year started i went back to TDU2 with full force. I'm playing for +1 hour/session right now
  21. Is there any way to download from tdu2.com.ua? It's getting me crazy D:
  22. Ahahaha ok xD Well, just unpacked the game. Seeing that the ones who keeps it alive are not Atari but the community i'm going to mod the hell out of it. Just saw some weather mods yesterday, and i'm installing the full patch right now. I have about 400 hours in the game and i'm hoping to double that gametime thanks to this. I'm really thankful to have find this forum. EDIT: Welp, the lambo, the shelby and the chrisler are there. So beautiful! My TDU2 receiving updates again! T^T The pre-update hype at the good times was MAGICAL
  23. Well, i can upload screencaps if you want ^^U So i have to unpack the game anyway? Damn, i'm short of disk space :( I read that it needs about 30 GB. I'll need to uninstall some games =/ EDIT: Well, now that i think about it, the cars i bought are somehow incomplete too. V6 Premium, 4.2 FSI and Nismo failed me when i selected the color at the moment of buying them, and even when creating a private race with a friend the color of the 4.2 FSI changed to the one i choosed at the dealer (yep, the 4.2 FSI was avaiable too)
  24. Hi there! I'm hermano_nintendo, i came here from the TDU Steam Community and also i was somehow active at the (sadly dead) TDU2 official forums. I'm a racer games fan, more arcade than simulator, but i can deal with both. I'm also a Nintendo fan and PC Gamer. I'll be here from now, so pleased to meet you (^_^)/
  25. Euh... no. As i said, i installed the patch for the packed version of the game ^^U I don't know if these bugs are known or not, if they aren't, here they are now.
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