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Everything posted by binbow

  1. I'm currently trying to make it independent of the TDU2 version. But there is no certainty that it will work. Anyway, don't expect too much and wait for the next version to be released.
  2. Does that mean that the External Color settings don't work? The current version has bugs that may be related. I in the process of getting rid of the bugs, so please wait for the next version release. Please give me a little more information about what, how and what goes wrong. Also, please tell me the model name of the vehicle that does not work.
  3. I will send you a test version that is being debugged.
    Open "Miscellaneous"-"Misc items"-"Others" and enter "0" in the "Duplicate car" field. The Duplicate car setting will be canceled when you click "Apply".
    NOTE: In this version, export / import for CSV files does not work properly.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. binbow


      Thank you for the report. It may be a bug that the name cannot be changed immediately after deduplication. I will add it in the survey target list. 

    3. SLBenfica4ever


      well, the car wasn't duplicated in the first place. I don't know exactly what happened, I had removed the duplicated tag on the first few cars, I don't remember if I closed the game or not before trying to add a new modded car. After getting this error I closed the game, and then after a few hours went back into the VPE, at least to see if I could still change performance, files, etc, even if the name change wouldn't work, but then the name change was working fine. I can't say if it was a program error or if I had messed up somewhere else by mistake. But at least since then everything seems to be working fine, new modded cars don't have issues, removing the duplicated tag is still working, and changing performance and stuff doesn't have any problem in game.

    4. SLBenfica4ever


      Okay after a week I need to say something. It might be a coincidence, but now after using those same cars some more, I've noticed they're the only ones with some issues. Other cars feel correct and with the performance (power, acceleration) but these ones that used to be duplicate cars still look like they've retained some of the original caracteristics. For example one of the cars replaced the 599 China edition, and despite editing the performance to fit the new car that is A4 class, it accelerates way faster than it should and hits top speed in like 13 seconds. The other car that replaced the Audi Q7, is super slow, 0-100km/h is over 10 seconds, when I put it 5.3s and correct gearing. I don't know if I've done something wrong somewhere that I've not noticed yet, but everything else looks alright. Changing gearing and performance still didn't work, other than top speed, that is applied to the car correctly, but I don't know exactly what's wrong. Other cars I've not noticed anything wrong with them, no issue like this one yet.

  4. I've found a way and I'm preparing a modified version. However, the release of the modified version seems to take a little longer. I can send the test version, if you like.
  5. Unfortunately, I don't know either. I'm also looking for a way to assign the same rim to multiple vehicles.
  6. Just open the Control Panel and go to "Programs and Features" and uninstall up0.4.
  7. I don't know if the latest version can do what you want, but you probably won't have any problems. But it probably won't be a problem, so why don't you give it a try?
  8. Sorry, I don't know what "older versions" means. What version are you referring to, exactly? tdu2vpe cannot handle game files other than tdu2 dlc2 v034.
  9. We can only choose a code from what's already there. It is not yet known how to assign a new code.
  10. I still don't fully understand the color settings. But on the tduvpe "Color" tab page, check to see if the proper interior color is set.
  11. Hmmm. There are no problems that come to mind right away. Are you using the latest version of tdu2vpe? Did you definitely give the proper value when you entered the dimensions of rim etc.?
  12. You can switch the display ON / OFF on the minimap of the AI car with the item "EnableMinimapIA" in gamepc.cpr. If you set "EnableMinimapIA = FALSE", the AI car display will disappear. Note that gamepc.cpr is an encrypted file, so you need to use tdudec to decrypt it in order to edit its contents.
  13. In my PC, I haven't had any problems with the Mazda RX-7 R1 [1.0.0] mod. I was able to change the settings with tdu2vpe without any problems. The Mazda RX-7 R1 [1.0.0] is a mod that replaces the Ginetta F400. Does the Mazda RX-7 R1 display fine when you select the Ginetta F400 in the game?
  14. Tdu2vpe calls "TDUDEC.EXE" inside the program. You can download "tdudec.exe" from here: Luigi Auriemma I think it's easy to put the downloaded "tdudec.exe" in the folder where tdu2vpe is placed. However, you can create a suitable folder somewhere and put it there. Before using tdu2vpe, you need to unpack the tdu2 game files. Unpacking is easy with TDU2 Unpacker GUI v1.2. After unpacking the game files and installing "tdudec.exe", open the "Settings" tab of tdu2vpe and open the folder name where the unpacked TDU2 game files are located and the folder name where "tdudec.exe" is placed. Please set. Don't forget to click the "Done, save" button!
  15. The error may be due to a bug in tdu2vpe. Could you please provide me with more information? What vehicle and which item did the error occur when you tried to edit?
  16. Serenity Pack is working fine on my PC, so it may be experiencing some kind of file inconsistency on your PC. I suggest that you try to install the serenity pack again. Make sure that you have overwritten all the files in the serenity pack.
  17. I think you need to find out first when the problem started to occur. Was it normal before Unpack? How about at the time you installed UP0.4?
  18. Since that version is not covered by un official patch0.4, you have to somehow get the v.034 game files. How to get it? If you do a search, it may be something.
  19. I've heard before that “Load” means the accelerator pedal is depressed and “Unload” means the pedal is released. And, load "n" means the engine r.p.m range.
  20. I'm not sure about the difference between box360 and PC.
  21. Since the *.cpr file is an encrypted file, it needs to be decrypted before editing it. I wrote that tdudecgui.exe makes it easy to decrypt and re-encrypt work. --- edit --- When the game is started after the following operations, the modified db_data.cpr is loaded and the game starts. 1. Open "TdudecGUI.exe". 2. Find "db_data.cpr" in the "unpacked tdu2 game folder\Euro\Bnk\database" folder. 3. Drag and drop "db_data.cpr" onto TdudecGUI's form. 4. Click "Exec" button. Decrypted file "db_data.dec" will be genarated. 5. Open binary editor by click "Hex editor" button, and make desiered change to "db_data.dec" file, and save it. 6. Click swap button. 7. Click "Execute" button to re-encrypt "db_data" file. Modified "db_data.cpr" will be genarated.
  22. I still don't understand well the meaning of the question,,,, you can sell your own vehicle at a used car dealer.
  23. Right-click "TestDrive2.exe" and open the properties, you can see the version in the "Product version" section on the "Details" tab.
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