You are welcome Tob!! I only wanto to help. Thanks for your work!!
Tob I was thinking about the problem with the TDUPE and the duplicate slots. When you modified a origial phiysic data Atari car, this going to the duplicate slot.
Well, I was thinking that maybe it could be faster to solve the problem if you could make your car pack of 45 cars with mods from TDU's community. because as you put in the pictures you could make the Renault Alpine and the BMW M6 with their physics. I want to say that yes, it´s good to have a dupicate cars for choosing everyone which mod want to put, but I think thant with your car pack of 45 cars with mods from TDU's community we could have the same oportunity to choise with mod we want to put because we could replace one of the car of your pack and modify the physic without problem. It´s my opinion and maybe you won´t have too work trying to separete slots and Djey if he is helping you, he could star his new project.
Sorry if this post upset you. And of course, thanks for your help, thanks for your effort and thanks for your work