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Everything posted by Stories

  1. Yeah you talk about their théories but it can't be verified, and thèses théories were built in less than 10 years near 1920 without actuals spaces tools, so we can see that the Galaxies have their own gravity schémas (alone and in groups), and when we're turning around in an island like Oahu she's not in expansion cause of us :), so absolutly nothing says that when the galaxies turning around the Universe it cause expansion of the Universe.:lol: so, the colors of items don't really mean their caracteristics and we actually not really understand their Nature, because the more far galactic group called Abell 1835 is actually unknow and undefinied, it can be a simple group like a mega group or a new Universe extremelly far = nobody in here can tell the truth because nobody have a real totally view with it "The object is now considered as a variable object whose nature remains unknown" https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abell_1835_IR1916 so their arguments about the gravity or the colors and Nature of objects can't be really know actually, we're only in theories from 1920 with these things ;) edit : so you'r right, I'm not an astrophisician and maybe confused, but I can't believe this kind of unbelievables facts :para:
  2. then, i gone from their théories to know exactly what it "expansion" for them, so... Expansion de l'Univers — Wikipédia (translate to langage you prefer plz) 1- "The expansion of the universe is the theoretical solution found by Friedmann to account for the fact that the universe has not already collapsed under the effect of gravitation." 2- "The expansion results in an increase in the wavelength of the light emitted by the galaxies: it is the phenomenon of shift towards red. This shift is not homologous to the Doppler effect, which is due to the displacement through the space of the observed object; This is the expansion of space itself. We speak of cosmological spectral shift. 3- "The correct physical interpretation of this red shift is given by Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity, which describes the dynamics of the universe as a whole" 4- "The expansion of the universe is manifested by the observation of an apparent recession (distancing) from distant astrophysical objects. If one can not detect any displacement of their position or their apparent size, Remoteness is very slow on the human scale1, we observe a shift towards the red of their spectrum (that is to say of the light that they emit)" so their théory is : because the light change to the red when a galaxy move more far (in distance and time), the galaxies are moving in a constant expansion Universe :rolleyes: I disagree because if the Galaxy do his "révolution" around something (like all planet around a star do), she willl moving far to red, but she will recoming maybe in a différent color, they can't know it because the revolution period is very larger than the period they can see :para: (maybe a revolution period with some millions years) and if there is a revolution for the Galaxies, they have their own gravity, so they don't have to be collapsed by the effect of gravity :nods: that's why I try to tell to you = to understand in totallity, you need to know was is the totality in the subject but it's not because a Galaxy is moving in space, than she moves in an expansion Universe, she can simply move in their orbit in his time ;) etc etc etc have no time to try to tell more
  3. hum, I read the firsts words... "After E.Hubbard discovered the expansion rate of the universe" the question is : "how discover the expansion of something he can't really measure" expansion, definition : fact of expanding or gaining volume => if you don't know the volume of the total Universe, you can't measure his expansion ;) if Universe is 1 and become 1.2 later, we can tell that his expansion is +0.2, logically we will okay on this fact but if you doesn't know the real size of Universe, you can't measure his real expansion because you measure something you don't know originally and in totality so you can't value his expansion, or your measure will wrong because you had measure a part of something you can't know in totality in fact they maybe have calculate the expansion of a Galaxy (and it need real proofs because they doesn't know exactly what is our Galaxy "la voie lactée") or simpliest the expansion of a solar system who's generate différents ladder théories to Universe. try to think about a real thing = imagine you can see/study with telescope or travel with a space ship in each day in each solar system, then you will need + 400 000 000 000 000 days (= like 400 milliards of years) to understand what is really the Universe. (and with littles actuals théories about the réality, 400 milliards solar system per Galaxy, in 1000 milliards of Galaxies...fatally theses values are false and they really probably never know what is a Galaxie in reality as much is bigger) :eek2: donc if you had 1000 spaces telescopes or space ships, then you need to have to travel with it meanwhile 400 millions of years to begin to know something right (with actuals value of 1000 Galaxies in Universe, then if there are 100 000 Galaxies in Universe, then you need something like 40 000 milliards of years with your 1000 spaceships or telescopes :lol: ) and imagine too, the fact of the Universe is maybe infinite, because never somebody had given a real proof of this opposite idea (because in something who's infinite = no end ; how measure his expansion ? :para: ) conclusion : il ne faudrait pas que ta vie, il faudrait Toute la Vie
  4. Sincerelly, when I listen or read scientifics who tell that they know age of Universe when they can't be able to go out the Earth, I'm really scared about all theses stupidities they said, so I prefer ignore scientifics or historians or politicians like that (they have absolutly 0 proofs for the 14,7billions years for a big bang, and they totally ignore the size of Universe) But 1 thing is sure, there was extremely complicated lifes since many severals millions years in here, and it cannot be the first thing and the best intelligence who's created in Universe, We greatly risk to have hundreds millions years late after others extra terrestrials technologies and civilisations (and what we really are is writed in (real) religious books)
  5. Paul Hell-yer (:lol:) a canadian defense minister says on 1feb 2014 "in 1961, more of 50 big E.T spaceships fly from south russia to europa" "at least 4 aliens species been visiting Earth for thousands of years" never believe in politicians or humans in earth because they are 96% liers (+stupids) :nods: etc etc etc there are millions talks about these kinds of facts ;) edit, look at this, too => " Mais en plus de ces trois rocheuses, HARPS-N a également déniché, bien plus éloignée, une planète géante (de type «petit Saturne») à deux unités astronomiques, qui tourne en un peu plus de trois ans autour de l’étoile centrale. Ce système a donc la même configuration que le système solaire avec des planètes rocheuses proches de leur étoile et des géantes gazeuses bien plus lointaines.A seulement 21 années-lumière de la Terre, existe donc un système cousin du notre" "This system thus has the same configuration as the solar system with rocky planets close to their star and gas giants much farther, At only 21 light years from Earth, there is a system cousin of our" http://www.sciencesetavenir.fr/espace/un-systeme-planetaire-voisin-et-similaire-au-notre_34685 2 solars systems with same configuration in our near sector = 100% of probabilities ;) and for people who know reading religious books, it writed since hundreds and thousands years:nods:
  6. Offtopic => So, dear Ozzmcom, look at this in here : Ils vendaient de fausses licences Windows XP, ils devront verser 4,6 millions deuros Ãla Microsoft - ZDNet it talk bout false XP licenses dealers in france, they made +720 000euros to sold false XP licenses with 45-75eur per false license, so 720 000/75 = +9600 licenses sold in last 2 years in france :nods: back in topic => "Two possibilities exist: Either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying." - Arthur C. Clarke What do you think is out there? Do you believe that we'll ever find proof of alien life? Do you think WE are the alien life, sent to this planet? Or do you believe we are alone, and exist purely by chance?" I think there is 400 milliards of solar systems per Galaxy, and it estimated about several thousands milliards of galaxies, 400 milliards x 1000 milliards = 400 000 milliards (000 000 000) solars systems minimum in 1 Universe if we consider about 0.1% are with people like us = 40 000 000 000 000 (40 000 milliards systems are like us in 1 Universe) and I consider the Holly Bible : genese 1.26 : "Puis Dieu dit: Faisons l'homme à notre image, selon notre ressemblance" (Then God said, Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness) genese 1:27 : "Dieu créa l'homme à son image, il le créa à l'image de Dieu, il créa l'homme et la femme" (God created man in his image, he created him in the image of God, he created man and woman) 40 000 milliards of systems like us seems a good begining, but there is probably many more because this statistic according only 0.1% of possiblitilies :duck:
  7. There is something strange with the wheels of certains cars, when I did convoi missions, I had mustang 68 wheels with the tvr tuscan, or shelby wheels with the jaguar xj220 for examples, it hapennehed like 5 times with differents convoi missions
  8. There was one for sale at 1 406 793 eur on the classicdriver website 2005 Maserati MC12 | Classic Driver Market
  9. :toof:sure it makes 10 years to reach us, like a (finished) game or a real président for examples because when we saw (bests) video games, best mods for them coming out only actually, and it needed 10 years to have a beautifull GTA SA or a TDU for examples :happyroll: luckily there was other things to do :duck:
  10. :duck:
  11. coronal mass ejection from 30-09-2015, the sun is the little white circle in center of the pic, we can see that the mass ejection is severals millions times larger than a planet like the Earth for example (the sun in center (little white circle in center) is +1 305 000 times the volume of Earth planet)
  12. nice gift :duck: (and i have the DVD and the stream 2 versions boughts, but this version is surely better)
  13. :para: (+ thanks for the pack milli :duck: )
  14. "1 km de route équipée fournit l’équivalent de la consommation de l’éclairage public d’une ville de 5 000 habitants" "1 km of equipped road provides the equivalent of the consumption of street lighting of a city of 5,000 inhabitants" http://www.lemonde.fr/planete/article/2016/12/21/en-normandie-une-route-solaire-au-banc-d-essai_5052352_3244.html :nods:
  15. It seems easier, and voilà tout :duck: Sauf que, I tried to change twingo with the megane and it crashed :-x
  16. Le Mans Classic bar opened every 2 years
  17. thanks for all the works bro, TDU is really better with your pack :nods:
  18. don't worry, we're always searching something better, girls are same, but really think about your look, it's your product = the thing they will see in first :cbme2: (+ Chanel "égoïste" perfume :ruuun: )
  19. Yep turn of island is very good, but the bots are not the bests in the races, it need to have the bests cars to do a best lap (like LaFerrari, 918, or Bugatti Supersport) but they are very rarely. So I did a G category race near the crater and the bots were so fabulous: Ferrari 288, Bmw M1, Ferrari testarossa spider, ford rs200 etc etc it was really funny with original cars PS: Il love to do it with B0 class too, the world record with no tuning in PC-Xbox 360 was 45'00min, with joypad and assists edit : 45'28 with the CLK DTM (B0, max 310-316km/h), probably can really do better with the F50 max 337-340), I made it 6times with 3 cars, there is many traps in this (fabulous) race http://hpics.li/c4fd716 update : 45'06 with the CLK DTM original (6secs to world record :cool: )
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