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Everything posted by Who

  1. A) Grand Turismo got where it is today by letting people drive everyday cars that they might, or do own B) Test Drive Unlimited isn't a racing game, and anyone who plays it for the racing is missing the main point of the game C) Australians aren't entitled to opinions :p
  2. my latest gig, i'm the one with the bass...
  3. Def the XFR! i've been waiting for a jag saloon in a racing game for ages
  4. dreamcast and PS1 games had manuals too... and they were in CD cases
  5. because Forza 3 is a direct competitor on a different system, and a potential system seller in the same way that GT5 is for playstation. i imagine they want ANYTHING to their advantage when it comes to GT5's launch (hey, i might be able to afford a PS3 when i get my pension...)
  6. polyphony did the internal computer IIRC, so it'll probably have no digital display, or if they want to kick microsoft in the teeth, make the license require the display to be showing a GT5 advert... it may come, but i highly doubt it will be before GT5 ships
  7. About 90% of bikes are 4 Stroke, the only 2 Smokes now are mopeds and 125cc racebikes. go home! :D (I would say 'on your bike' but i couldn't inflict that pun on anyone)
  8. well, diablo was going to improve on patch [2.675] soon... and implement 'actually happening' but then Namco Bandai Partners decided that due to being on a TEST DRIVE board that Nugget: Next was their concern and we'll probably see a result in Q3 2012
  9. glad to see there are other winter riders! yesterday i was riding in the sleet at midnight and generally losing all feeling in my ass from the cold, and was wondering if there was anyone else stupid hardcore enough to be riding at this time of year. good on ya man
  10. if TDU had a working photo upload atleast :p
  11. Jaguar XF - it's the grandchild of old jaguar that went and put the jaguar X type/S type image in a home, along with its pipe and slippers, and had the nuts to bring the manufacturer into the 21st century Alfa Brera - This will be drop dead gorgeous till the end of time Hyundai Genesis Coupe/Saloon - The first truly desirable car to come out of kia/hyundai Tata Nano - mobilising a nation Mazda MX-5 - this will become the MGB level classic... Dacia sandero... just 'cause
  12. someone said about music to suit everyone... i disagree, i think all DJs should be allowed to have their own music, otherwise we'd end up with the generic slop that local radio pumps out. we should have slots for DJs, and with all different styles. imagine monday being baldred (saturdays, pixie lott, etc.) tuesday being me (offspring, blink, alkaline trio) wednesday being diablo (tiesto, prodigy) so on so forth... essentially, if you dont like the music being played, don't listen...
  13. meh, not much for caring either way... VIVA RED BULL! actually, any word on torro rosso? they were supposed to be finished this season
  14. i know a LFS community does this ([TC] City Driving) and i doubt they pay a license I'd be willing to DJ, done a little bit for my college station...
  15. I have to say, I think the viper is worthy as a classic, due to the fact it's an original car that's genuinely good, and for it's time, fresh today the ford GT looks like the GT40, the mustang looks like the 60's one, the camaro look like the 60's one, the challenger looks like the 70's one. some may call this 'reinventing a classic' i just call it friggin lazy design. Jaguar and Rover both tried this, to make their cars look like they were from the 60's and were both slammed for it. subtley changing an old design to make it look modern in an attempt to make people go misty eyed is just a way to latch onto sales from people that had the posters on the wall when they were kids. sometimes the results can be cool (Fiat 500) but they will never be true classics... back to my point, the viper will be remembered as a classic considering it is still new, and the design is positively progressing as the years roll by, with the ACR a landmark in performance
  16. wasn't there a last.fm thread on here ages ago? anyway, mine... http://www.last.fm/user/lwsbrck E: also, everyone except TWM and MisterMojo have crap taste in music, because their compatibility with me is low :P
  17. 1. Requests about handling and other features should be in the suggestions section below 2. honda won't appear in the game, in bike or car form, they don't like open world racers (hence no honda in MC:LA either) 3. there's already car clubs in TDU, i'm sure they will return 4. although there was quite a lot of room spare on the disk for TDU, but (IIRC) the game itself was quite power hungry, to add more features they would have to make the code more efficient 5. No mods on 360, the way i5 works on the PC is to make the game load a model that the game thinks is car x, but the shape of it is actually car Y, unless you modified the content on the disk itself it would be impossible to change this data hope that helped :)
  18. LHD cars are banned in singapore? ouch. you're allowed left hookers in britain and we drive on the left side of the road =/
  19. kel, for some reason you remind me of steven fry... ad i'm not entirely sure why...
  20. I trod on a plug a week ago, the bloody prongs must have been sharpened because it actually dug into the skin and ripped a massive part of it off (as in, so sensitive i limped until yesterday) still one hell of a mark...
  21. aye, also end up doing it preeeeeety often too :p
  22. not here sat either... have woman to attend to :P
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