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Everything posted by Who

  1. Who

    I'm nervous

    well, MB is from Holland, so technically that statement isn't condoning illegal action ;)
  2. Who

    I'm nervous

    :O nooooooooooooooooooooo *heads to the bin before getting a kick in the arse for spam*
  3. no prizes for guessing the contact who is in the minimised conversation ;) (the purple duck = Adium = My IM client)
  4. Who

    I'm nervous

    LIES AND SLANDER it has been proven scientifically by real scientifical people that revising can make you die! your brain infact starts to eat itself through boredom, before injecting needles into your spinal cord and rickrolling your eyeballs. i shouldknow, i revised once :( trust me, it's true, i read it in the daily sport :excited:
  5. Who

    I'm nervous

    advice? GTFO the forum and revise :p other than that, best of luck and i hope you get the grades you want and are capable of :)
  6. I voted the SP2, reminds me of the VW scirrocco alot, and that is one of my favourite cars ^_^
  7. congratulations on picking up on a blatant Double entendre...
  8. insurance is a joke to be honest. I was thinking of a car on a motorbike license (the license lets you drive class B1 microcars) in particular, the Reliant Regal. A car with 3 wheels, a top speed of 85 and a weight of about half a ton. all from a 0.85l engine. To insure it for a year it would cost £1,600. That, my friends, is a joke. The damn thing only costs £400 and is made of fibreglass! hence why i'm currently stuck with my moped, £130 a year insurance...
  9. Suzuki Swift I'm guessing and there are sod all suzuki car dealers here, i'm guessin there is no chance in brazil
  10. I talk to my motorbike He's a guy and when I first got it I called it Ernie (a mate asked me what it was called and we spent ages figuring what it should be called) Then I started talking to it... Start you bar steward Go more than 50 for crying out loud It's only a headwind, you don't have to slow down to 35 on a national speed limit road oh yeah, I told it off for almost killing me when the brake light went pop too. Despite this, I still ride him every day ;)
  11. the clio was a truck, the ST was a bus ;) i'm gonna make one of these soon, i'm goin for a motorbike license this summer, which includes a B1 car license (anthing less than 550kg) and the only car in the category i like is a reliant Robin/regal a brief list... Reliant Regal Reliant Robin Bond Bug Morgan Super-Sport Fiat 500 Chatenet Speedino Microcar MC1 Microcar MC2 Acrea Zest Matra M-72 Q-Pod QT Mitsuoka Zero-1 Aixam 500
  12. ah, summit must be up with my net, cause post #29 (KTF's) is blank for me, theres a quote and nothing.... any chance of a screenshot of what it should look like?
  13. only if the man has something to compensate for ;) the ultimate man's convertible... /sarcasm
  14. looks more like a CRX than an NSX, if they were to revive a name for a car that looks like that, surely CRX would be more fitting...
  15. there has been a switch in publisher though, the games are no longer atari, so fingers crossed, quality improves ;)
  16. Oh yes, the X type... *drools at Mondeo in drag* :p Thought I probably should do the 'Big' jags, also, I think it works with the XJ vs XF, see what people prefer, traditional or revolutionary jaguar... I'm gonna say the XF, but it's a very close one.
  17. gonna save up £40, then we will see... currently need a new visor for my helmet tho, so that's at least £20 *angry face at person who broke it*
  18. i'll tell you a great add-on... Adblock Plus blocks those pesky adverts on most pages, I haven't heard that pigging mosquito in ages :D http://adblockplus.org/en/
  19. i'll do one ;) Jaguar Saloons Jaguar XFR Jaguar XJR thou shalst not mention thine XK, i didnt include it cause i know the saloons would get "nil point"
  20. I never saw any redded out word, has the post been edited? :s but i can guess from the responses....
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIA4gcrk-50 incidentally, my mum said that she would give me £500 if my first car is infact, the plastic pig :p that means i can buy one without dipping into my own pocket ;)
  22. hmm, i just cant think of anything funny tho, i mean, with TSS i made the image below, which I'm kinda proud of as it is my first real time messing about with PS. (no experience at all really)
  23. gah, this pic blows, cant get any ideas at all! al;though i did do one of TSS in the other thread... (its in the bin...)
  24. for nano money, you can get a much better creative zen.
  25. FF3 left the beta phase ages ago, what we had was 'release candidate'. its just some very minor tweaks before it hits. im on FF3 release candidate 3, i'll just wait for the auto updater, its not gonna be anything majorly different
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