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Everything posted by S71NG3R

  1. Sorry to drag on about the PC version in the 360 thread if needed I can move these to a new thread in the PC section. Anyway Codemasters have responded and all I can say is why do I have to do this when every other racing game that supports force feedback works just fine with Logitech wheels. :oook:
  2. Sorry for the double post but just played the PC version and it's still got all the old control bugs. The demo still doesn't remember your settings even after you are made to create a profile. Then setting up the graphics you are made to restart the game but the game doesn't remember your profile so you are stuck in a loop. I know it's just a demo but by now they should have sorted the problems with all their racing demos. Then starting the first race you just may as well forget a wheel no force feedback at all. Then don't get me started on the handling it's still the same as all the other new Race Drivers. A step backward from Toca 1 and 2. :mad: I'm just glad the PC have GTR2 and Race 07 I feel sorry for you 360 guys.
  3. I think Iced means sing, anyway what I do know is whoever was singing should be shot. :p
  4. Downloading now so I'll post what I think later.
  5. Here is the junction the yellow line was the flow of traffic turning into the road on the right before the bus lane.
  6. I drove down the wrong way of a bus lane. I was trying to work out: a: why is this lane a bus lane now b: why is the writing upside down c: why is that pedestrian looking the wrong way down the bus lane, stepping off the pavement and can't see me coming. Then the penny dropped the road layout has changed and I'm on the wrong side of the road. Lucky I stopped just in time and the pedestrian just lightly stumbled across my bonnet unhurt.
  7. Well the sentence could mean: "Damm you TSS I knew I should have banned you before I went, too bad." Or "Damm you TSS I knew I should have banned you before I went too mad". Or "Damm you TSS I knew I should have banned you before I went to bed". See easy to work out. :p
  8. Damm you TSS I knew I should have banned you before I went to bad. :mad: :cry: PS :D:D:D
  9. Nice sounds. The sounds for TDU are hard work to make what you need for a step in the right direction is a low, mid and high sound wav. Plus you have to have the off (when you let of the gas) wavs high, mid and low. Then when the wavs are the correct length you have to iron out the glitches this is what is driving me mad at the mo for the sound pack. A lot of tuning and testing and going in and out of TDU. My PC must hate me now "are you going to play the damm game or not?". :D
  10. Another great days racing and top quality driving on the very low grip track.
  11. Major connection problems for me tonight so I say move this to another night.
  12. Yes I can't wait for mafia 2 looks very good just from the screen shots. :) The bonus cars you got at the end of Mafia 1 were a lot of fun. :cool:
  13. There is hope for a PC version to be out this year Rockstar have no comment at this time. http://www.citydisc.ch/games/detail.cfm?art_nr=9483014&lang=dion=pc&cat= October-November 2008 TBC More info: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=187895 So PC gamers could get it before Mafia 2. :)
  14. Sorry to hear that max. :cry:
  15. You can move it to either side for left or right hand drive cars. I use it both ways to match the car I'm driving. Works well for me anyway. Very nice sounds X2 I will look at adding them to the v3.0 sound pack.
  16. It's the Logitech one before the G25. http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/gaming/pc_gaming/wheels/devices/320&cl=us,en
  17. Thanks I use a momo wheel now. Yes well some like the sound of the turbo to be loud and some don't. If you have good speakers with good base the balance is about right. Thanks for your links any new sounds are welcome.
  18. Amazing work your are a true mod-mod. :p It's this kind of work that keeps me on the PC side of gaming.
  19. Thanks I try to be cautious most times but more so when FRAPS drags my PC down to very low FPS. I'm glad you liked it. :)
  20. Finally youtube uploaded my video a little late but here it is.
  21. Thanks for the feedback I have a different sound for the RT that I'm working on. Also I'm on the hunt for a good Skyline sound but the straight-6 is not a popular engine unless it's like a BMW and that's just not right. Diablo I'll do a quick video now just for you. ;)
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