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Everything posted by CarMadMike

  1. Great shots Beav :D Not a fan of the colour of the Murci, but it's a design that is aging well :nods:
  2. Kinda annoyed he crashed the plane so quickly as I was really interested to seeing how it would act in-flight. It's one of those technologies that isn't isn't there just yet, by the looks of this it seems close, but with the noises (of course headphones would be a solution to that) and the cost of production etc, it's just a bit of a toy atm.
  3. I wouldn't say it was related to the conspiracy nuts in that it isn't trying to link the US, or large multinational corporations to why something might have happened, it's simply highlighting who benefits from it in a time when everyone in the west appears to be hurting quite badly.
  4. Heres Why Wall Street is Cheering After the Paris Attacks Interesting article if you want to read something you might not have already been taking into account when reading the headlines this week.
  5. Dear lawd that is not a flattering photo of the AMG GT S at all, in fact it might have been enough to put me off liking them :eek: The front half looks god damn awful. :eek: shame as the rear is gorgeous
  6. I enjoyed reading the comments to figure out the workings-out of the actual stunt :nods: Entertaining video, unsure how good an advert it is, but I guess I'm a bit resistant to the 'this is the latest life changing tech' kinda adverts that aren't really that life changing, or are only cheap enough for me to buy once the next gen/next fad is available.
  7. I love the chunkier rear tyres, it makes it look menacing. And imagine the conversation: "A: Why are the rear tyres so much bigger than the rear ones?" "B: Because of this" *puts gas pedal to the floor, leaves person in a cloud of smoke*
  8. Also worth noting is the lack of price increase over the 4wd version. :hmmm: Though it'd never have been more/less expensive that a buyer couldn't afford one if they could afford the other, it's just nice to see that it's very much an alternative, not a superior/lesser vehicle. I prefer the older bumpers though, I think they're over-designing the thing. Both the Murcielago and Gallardo has such simple designs when they were first created but looked ridiculously over-designed by the time they bit the dust, seems to be the done thing at lambo as this is heading in that way too.
  9. Didn't morgan unveil an electric 3 wheeler? Even if it isn't in production, it puts that other 3 wheeler to shame, which one would you rather have :hmmm:
  10. If they were building that railway line around your house and only allowing you to leave your house when there isn't a train on its way, meanwhile the train was throwing nukes and bullets in every direction, I feel you'd probably waste your time complaining too. I wouldn't be doing what they're doing, I'd have taken the money and left ages ago, but that's just me, I do however respect their decision. Edit: I agree with scott.
  11. Hi :hello: I've just read an article on Foxtrot Alpha which is about a family that has lived on and owned land next door to Area 51 for the past 100 years. It's a very interesting read if you're into that kinda thing :nods: Remember, you're reading an article about the 'freedom loving country that is murica'. It's a bit of a lengthy article but well worth the read imo :D The Unlikely Struggle Of The Family Whose Neighbor Is Area 51 Let me know if you read it/have any thoughts about it :cheeese:
  12. The front of the new bugatti has been leaked, images from jalopnik: I think it's quite promising, might be a decent looking car.
  13. I have a slight feeling me and that Mike Burroughs guy wouldn't get along.
  14. :hiya: Welcome to TDUCK. I don't know how to put this but.... I'm kind of a big deal.
  15. Well at least D isn't giving you too hard a first task a blue member there scott, could be much worse :p Congrats hun.
  16. Unfortunately it isn't over yet :p Button just broke the record for the amount of grid penalties given to one driver, he's got a 70 place grid drop for the start of the race :p
  17. Read the damn article :p I absolutely love it, It's such a huge *middle finger emoji* to society :lol:
  18. Richard Porter, hopefully known to a few of you as SniffPetrol on twitter (well worth a follow, rather funny guy and live-tweets F1 and other motor-related things). He was the script writer for TopGear, well he's now got a book out on the whole fiasco and his 13 years making Topgear. Here's a podcast with him from an interview on BBC 5 Live discussing his book and everything that's in it: BBC Radio 5 live - Essential Phil Williams, Richard Porter - Top Gear Script Writer Well worth a listen, talks about the punch-up and the argentina drama. I'd be interesting in buying the book but i've got way too much uni reading to do atm.
  19. 1.2 million views? He'll earn enough to get that Turbo (if it isn't his) or another (if that one is) rather quickly at that rate.
  20. Yes please. Used 2004 BENTLEY TURBO R 6.7 for sale in Cheshire | Pistonheads
  21. Bugatti Chiron spotted testing: https://www.facebook.com/MagProDriverCZ/posts/863487590436009
  22. Here's the Mazda RX-Vision Concept: Images from jalopnik.com It's rotary powered, did someone say wankel?! :p I like how simple the design is, a few design flairs here and there but overall a very elegant design.
  23. Though the SUV is far from desirable, I absolutely love the Flying Spur for being quite understated and classy, and I also love the Mulsanne for being bold and unforgiving while not trying too hard to be a Phantom. The Conti GT has come into its own at the moment too, and the Speed Six concept is rather :drool: imo. Obviously taste and design is a very personal thing, and I do agree the headlights on Bentleys are probably their biggest flaw, but they're far from the worst imo.
  24. This question was posed to the jalopnik audience today and it brought out a lot of different answers with a lot of 'OMG as if! That's a beaut'. So what company is making the worst looking cars? - Try to give more than one example from the company, a designer having a bad day doesn't invalidate the rest of his work. - Can it be as major a car company as possible? I'm sure there might be some horrid contraptions in Fuji but it's not as fun to debate if no one knows what it is. - Only Post 2012 vehicles can be used to back up your point, as long as they're still in production. :cheeese:
  25. Easy to understand graph about the results needed today for hammy to get the title:
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