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Car Freak

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Everything posted by Car Freak

  1. Wow, it does look especially good in the fourth shot
  2. Well it may be disputed, but I think most consider the Renault Espace to be the first MPV.
  3. Yeah. Not the M5. The original, maybe, but not the current one. It's not well-liked enough
  4. Don't worry, we've been at war ever since the day we met each other ;)
  5. Lol, maybe this thread should be renamed to "Jazzi's perpetual battles with life" :lol:
  6. They make absolutely no sense whatsoever, but they're brilliant all the same :D +rep!
  7. That's an excellent way to sum up my thoughts on Schumi. It'd be a bit of a fairy tale wouldn't it, him leaving and then returning with Ross Brawn again. But then again, do you think Schumi really looks good in silver? ;)
  8. Here's our very own TDU 505 aka Mark being silly and trying to drive while standing up ;) http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p265/1carfreak1/IMG_6955.jpg (Mark, this is for all the times you've messed with my account while over at my place)
  9. That looks really good. Only problems are that I don't like HDR and the car should be on the other side of the pic, so that it faces "into" the picture rather than out
  10. Well, Buemi's been confirmed for Torro Rosso next year, so I guess they're staying
  11. Gawd this is the toughest decision I've ever had to make for PhOTW voting. Jazzi's managed to make an interesting, and most importantly great looking picture from a subject that's been done to death, and Mojo's one is good too, but FatPenguin's light trails are just too creative not to vote for
  12. Agree completely with the Mazda 6 and Subaru Legacy. And why are the Fiat 500, Alfa MiTO and Jag XF "surprisingly" good looking? Anyway: BMW 5-series E34 Kia Koup Mazda 2 Audi A4 (B6) Peugeot 406 Coupe (esp from the back) And that's all I can think of at the moment
  13. A bit late, but... http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p265/1carfreak1/GRID/grid-20091118-192321edit.jpg
  14. Well the Cayman is the car that Porsche said they'd never build. In any case I said a, not the
  15. NASCAR = spectacular crashes. The end ;)
  16. I'm afraid I'm with Prawn On The Cob (and of course, Balto) here, i really do think the Viper ACR has the makings of a future classic. As stated before, it's a fresh design, and, being the top-of-the-range model, is the most desirable. The ZR1, has an inkling of a chance perhaps, if only because it's the first Corvette that can properly give a Lambo a bloody nose (search autocar.co.uk - ZR1 vs LP670). Problem with the 'Vette though is that it's not really groundbreaking in any way. Audi R8, definitely will be a future classic: Being Audi's first proper supercar is one thing, but actually being bloody good just raises the bar a couple of notches. Again, it's a fresh concept (from Audi in any case), and being the flagship model with much better performance than everything else in the range, is once again the most desirable. Same can't be said of the Ford GT and BMW Z8 though. Is it possible for a retro design to ever be a classic? If someone does it again in 40 years time, will it make that a retro-retro design? I'm not sure. If there is a chance of retro achieving classic status though, my money would be on the Z8, chiefly because it was a limited edition, and had screentime in a James Bond film. CTS-V? Bah. Supersaloons have almost zero chance of being a classic unless 1) they were featured in a big-budget film (Audi S8 from Ronin perhaps), 2) they were the first of their kind (BMW E30 M3) or pushed the performance benchmark to absurd levels (Vauxhall Lotus Carlton). The CTS-V pushes none of those buttons. Same for the Magnum. Like, wtf? The Prius will be remembered, but like everyone said, probably won't be a classic. It's not revolutionary enough. It hasn't had a big enough impact on contemporary culture. It's not even universally liked. Yes, it is the granddaddy of the "green" movement, but since when has that sort of thing excited people? Porsche Carrera GT: Probably will be a classic. Firstly, it's a hypercar, which obviously helps. Second, it's unique in being a mid-engined Porsche, and the h-a-l-o (stupid forum auto-censor) model no less. Third, it came out around the same time as the Enzo and McMerc SLR, so for most, they'll probably remember those cars together as the ones who kick-started the noughties' hypercar frenzy (of course resulting in such metal as the Veyron, Reventon, CCX, S7 etc) Honda S2000? Maybe, just maybe. Came out during a dry spell in the roadster market, and could be credited as having kick-started the class again. Of course, it has a unique selling point, in the manic 9000rpm VTEC engine, as well as the digital tacho. We don't realise it now, because it's so common, but 20 years down the road, i do think we'll remember it really fondly *whew* that was probably my longest post ever :p
  17. No, I think it'll work out great for both teams. McLaren were already a front runner by the end of the 2009 season, and Brawn obviously were, for the entire season. The two teams simply need to not muck up their existing designs, improve on them a little, and they'll both still be front-runners next year
  18. No, now they own only Brawn/Mercedes GP. McLaren want to buy back Merc's share in them, but they will still be using Mercedes engines till 2015. Would be interesting to see an all-Brit vs all-German battle though: Hamilton and Button in McLaren, and Rosberg and Heidfeld in Mercedes... In any case, isn't it really weird for a German team to have their HQ in the UK, seeing as where the Brawn team are now?
  19. Ooh, now that was an awesome episode. Seeing the road at the end and them driving on it just left my jaw hanging, and gave me goosebumps. Absolutely stunning. And the helicopter pilot was really brave, too. Did you see how low he was hovering above the road??!! Big shame about James' "present" though. I wonder if it was staged or not...
  20. Actually that's not bad... But again, you might want to bump up the contrast a bit
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