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Everything posted by Camel

  1. Camel

    Mb's 106 S2 Rallye.

    Go onnn, you know you want to. :p
  2. They transfer the heat away from hotspots on the PCB to the heatsink and fans. More of them is usually a good thing, unless they're cheap ones.
  3. Depending on what he will be doing. If he's running GPU accelerated programs such as some Adobe CS programs, video editing or gaming then the extra graphics card will be a lot more beneficial than going to a 2600 from a 2500.
  4. At least you can export your photos on this game. There are plenty of others that you can't.
  5. That just look s a bit daft to me. :hmmm: But that's just me.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvVbyS6vpbw Can anyone find the decent copy of Paint it Black on Youtube? The one I used got deleted. :( Yea, I've gone back to my old ways again. :)
  7. This is worth a watch even if you're not a fan of Forza( or Fort-za if you're American) or that other somehow popular game series...
  8. WhatHaveIDone-Central. I swear I'm the only one around here messing with peoples accounts nowadays. :(
  9. That :lol: Is :crackup: The :D Funniest :rofl: Thing :happyroll: I've :chairfall: Read :panic: All :ym: Day. :ty: Yea, sorry.
  10. I hope you're going for the 1GB card and not the 768 or SE. You won't be disappointed. And if it's a Palit one it'll run quite cool and quiet.
  11. Pshh, that's only as bad as my only crash. I ran over a cone in reverse. :sulk: I swear it was a magic teleporting cone because it wasn't there before I got into the car. :lol:
  12. :welcome:
  13. That's unlucky, it was one of the best games I've seen in quite some time.
  14. Leadfoot, it looks odd. :hmmm:
  15. I'm glad I have Young in my team along with Rooney!!
  16. The game is hyphened? :hmmm: That's a really interesting view. *ponders*
  17. And from what I've played of it, it's easily reached that standard.
  18. *reads thread* :fp: You're all wrong, it's a laughter house!
  19. Nope, they are from the Alpha of the same game that a member whose name rhymes with "Eadfoot" really wants to play. :p
  20. Err yea, that petition won't do anything. I doubt there is anything anyone can do to make EA change their mind and sub-license Porsche for FM4. Besides from kidnapping their CEO and making the ransom the Porsche license. Not trying to give anyone ideas... :leaves:
  21. Camel


    Nah, I'm not angry. I did say on the first page that everyone posting about these pony things will permanently have a pink name. I thought the main audience for this was 8 year old girls... Hence the pink names. :p You know, these sorts of random things do happen around here some of the time. I'm sure everyones usergroups will go back to normal one day.
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