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Everything posted by Camel

  1. It depends on the settings in the BIOS when the OS is installed. If your motherboard is set to AHCI then Windows 7 will enable the AHCI driver and not the IDE driver during installation. So you can boot up from the hard drive in a different computer as long as it is also in AHCI mode and not IDE. SATA hard drives can run in both modes. AHCI is better though.
  2. Don't think so. just make sure you backup your save files like you should've done with the files you were editing.
  3. You can install Windows 7 to a HDD in one computer and then move the HDD into a completely different computer. One thing that will cause it to not work properly is that Windows 7 by default doesn't enable both the AHCI and IDE drivers. This can easily be fixed by editing one registry entry. I've done it several times myself so I know for a fact that you can do it.
  4. Here's the profile conversion thread. TDU Mods : Offline Online Profile Conversions [Tutorials] Re-installing may also be a good idea.
  5. *doesn't do soft drinks* Put beer on there. :p
  6. Another thing to take into account is that if you install Windows on the HDD and activate it whilst it's in another computer it won't work properly as the serial will be tied to the hardware of the computer. You should be fine installing it without activating it then activate it once the HDD is back in the laptop.
  7. Yay! Now they're gonna turn IPv6 access of again after today. :hmmm:
  8. Oooh, I knew they were "making" a new one. Looks like it'd be worth a buy, loved the other games.
  9. I'll be getting SF one day, not on release date though. I'll wait till it's a little cheaper but it does look really good, I like the concept of the shifting thing, especially online.
  10. :eek: Welcome back! :hello:
  11. Saw the trailer with the bloke running on roofs and dropping 30feet and not being hurt... No thanks.
  12. Ozzmcom, looks so detailed.
  13. Hope it makes today warmer.
  14. Completely agree with you. My HDDs in my PC are a few years old now and not particularly fast. It was either spend £40 on a new HDD, or £80 on an SSD. I didn't need any more storage space so spent a bit more and got the fastest one. *hands thread back to iLL* :p
  15. The PCIe SSDs are very expensive though. I only got an SSD myself the other day because it was quite cheap on offer. 285MBs read and 275MBs write speeds are really good for the "last" gen SSDs. I doubt you'd even be able to tell the difference with anything higher other than in benchmarks and when copying files from one SSD to another.
  16. I'd go for opening the forum to all driving/racing games and then having the other genres in a smaller section like it is currently with TDU and all other games. Keeping the same forum and everything.
  17. Ski-Ba-Bop-Ba-Dop-Bop-Central
  18. He hasn't decided yet. Maybe a Focus sport though.
  19. I don't plan on getting a car till after I finish uni in about 4 years. Hopefully my dad will keep me on his insurance seeing as though it's free for him so I can drive his new car when he gets it. :D
  20. The trailer was great. It's another game added to the list that I'll be keeping my eye on. I'll have no money left by the end of the year if I'm not careful. Dx
  21. Haha sod that, got uni to pay for and I'm happy stealing my dads car all the time for the time being. Lol
  22. Can't really say I've noticed any of that. :hmmm:
  23. I don't know what's happened. Nobody tells me nothin! *grumpy* :panic:
  24. Turtle Duck Central. Can still sorta be called TDUCk then!
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