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Everything posted by GTAMADDOG

  1. There's a buy one (month) get two (months) free deal on iRacing at the moment. I was quite interested, but I think it'll be like my experience with Xbox Live. I'll buy a six month membership and I'll only ever use it a few times which is a complete was of money.
  2. I quite like them to be honest but having never sat in one I don't think the interior is too bad (C6). I can't comment on the materials used though.
  3. I'd hazard a guess at Street Legal Redline Racing, although I'm not 100% sure.
  4. http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1010993.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1020250.jpg
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnZoL-uddG0 :cool:
  6. It's a little cove area south east of Broadsands in Torbay. All the photos in that post were taken in the Torbay area. Somehow I've wound up there atleast once a year the last few years. Kind of reminds me of the year when my sister went to university, I travelled down to Plymouth five times in two months, it was almost like a second home :p
  7. I keep looking at these entry threads as soon as they appear and then saying to myself I'll put an entry in during the next few days but I keep forgetting about it that way so I think I'll have to start entering as soon as I know the theme. One of my most hated games ever has a use: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/86955066-4.jpg
  8. http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/2.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/43.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/3-1.jpg Awesome photographs, I know :p I got the feeling I wasn't meant to be in the car park though because it was a private yacht owners club car park so I just took what I could without being seen and left.
  9. *steps in to embarrass self with own photography* http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/41.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/8.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/39.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/13.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/28.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/38.jpg
  10. I personally saw hardly any difference between Vista Ultimate 64bit and Windows 7 Ultimate RC 64bit and Home Premium 64bit in terms of stability, not as much as you'd expect in terms of speed either. I never had any problems with Vista which weren't easily solved with common sense or a simple Google Search, but I guess it's down to how individual computers deal with the operating systems. XP's old, it's starting to get on my nerves how people still go on about it like it's the holy grail of operating systems. Yeh, it was good, so what. If you've got the money just move on. From your point of view I'd probably stick with XP but I'd start saving up to move on from it really.
  11. LastFM/My iPod likes to take the pee some times.. http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/lolfm3.jpg The LastFM Scrobbler has got into the routine of telling me most of the time that it's found no scrobbles on my iPod which is a lie and then on one random day it'll say it's found a stupid number of scrobbles.. like today. That's 745 scrobbles found. http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/1288015068791.jpg
  12. :( I've been waiting for thunder and lightning all year but I've yet to witness any. Great shots.
  13. England never has any bad weather. I don't usually get my camera out in rain anyway, so unless it rains some time this week which is highly unlikely because I live in England, I don't think I'll be entering. Obviously, I tell a lie. But I don't ever usually expose my camera to the elements. Here's a photo I took on my iPhone today at Weston-Super-Mare on the new pier. I don't know if it'd be classed as bad weather but I'll just use it as a place-holder. ------- Edit: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1020259.jpg
  14. I hope Hardcore mode is in Test Drive Unlimited 2, I have no problems with it in the original Test Drive Unlimited. The gravity is a bit off but once you get used to the rest of the characteristics it's not that bad at all in my opinion. It's the transition that gets most people I think, it's just one of those things you have to stick at. I doubt it'd be as extreme in Test Drive Unlimited 2 if it was to make a return.
  15. It's a good job I haven't taken any photographs. I would've embarrassed myself if I had posted any photos after the selection on the last couple of pages.
  16. It's also International Don't Pay Attention To International Days Telling You To Do Things.. Day. I've just invented it.
  17. It was obviously my local lake where the duck must have built a scale model of the Eifel Tower and a green screen which he later projected an image of part of Paris on to.
  18. I just didn't go. I was always the last to leave the house in the mornings and the first to be back in the afternoon meaning I never got discovered by family. The school used to give out attendance reports which I disposed of so my dad never saw one of them. The school hardly ever phoned up to ask where I was, I think I got my sister to pretend she was my mum once when she phoned in to say I was 'sick'. College was a lot easier, they just didn't care. They used to use the "We don't care if you skive off but it's you who's going to lose your EMA" excuse. Wrong, I don't get EMA so it doesn't effect me in the slightest :p College was slightly more difficult to skive off. My sister was last to leave the house while I was at college, I used to leave an hour before her generally, but she was never bothered if I didn't go to college. The afternoon was the problem because my bus got back at 4:45/50 and that's about the time my dad used to get back from work, so if I was already home at that time it'd look a bit dodgy (bus stop is 10 minutes away). So I made up the reason that my friend gave me a lift back from college. Three days out of five I only had half days so it was pretty easy to lie about.
  19. I've had something similar before during an Art class. My class never shut up making noise while the teacher was trying to take the register. After 20 minutes she finally got us to be quiet. Then one of my 'friends' did something quite funny (I can't remember what) but only I saw it and I started laughing quietly but he carried on being funny and my laughing got progressively louder even though I was trying to stop myself. My teacher looked up and saw me laughing and everyone else sat there silent and she said "Right! That's it! You. Outside. Now!". How unfair, but it was quite funny looking back on it. Especially as that day was the day all the kids who were going to secondary school the next year were being shown around and they were in the Art block at the time. We were meant to set an example, I obviously didn't :) My bad day/week: The boiler in the house has been broken for the last five days and it's been freezing in the house (as in now warmer than outside so that's below 10C), but British Gas have finally come out to have a look today. Sods law, the guy fires up our central heating and it works straight away no problems, but he turned it off an on again to see if the problem was intermittent (which it is) and it didn't work. Problem is, he didn't have the part on him and he's now gone off to the nearest British Gas parts center which is an hour and a half's round trip away. I've got to go at 2pm so hopefully when he gets back it'll all be plain sailing.
  20. I can't understand any of the lyrics because I don't speak Finnish but Google Translate says the song name means "Gold Female". It sounds epic anyway. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVQewumQZmk
  21. I see my motor company has produced a new car. Excellent.
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