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Everything posted by GTAMADDOG

  1. I'll get in trouble for this, maybe, if a girl sees the post :p -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
  2. I've only really been following it the last 6 months so it's just like any other game delay to me :p
  3. The guy running the OCUK Minecraft server said he's paying £1 a slot and it's a Multiplay server. I Don't know how cheap/expensive that is in relation to other games. Would be easier if I could scrape a decent-ish PC together to host the server but that'd mean I'd have to upgrade my PC to give my current components to my dad so that I can have the components out of his PC but I can't afford that. I'm not buying components to use as a server which will probably run for 6 months and never be used again. The specs don't need to be great. I've seen people mention they have 10-man servers running on 1.5-2GHz processors and 1GB RAM. Don't think I have that kind of hardware myself.
  4. We go on the Overclockers UK Minecraft server but they've just made it private to forum members only in a bid to stop griefing. You needed to post stating your game name in the Minecraft thread on there in order to be able to join the server. So we'll have to make one up or find a decent one with no griefing. So.. Some small changes to the front of my house since the last post. Yes, this is the same house :p http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/mc26-1.jpg
  5. Games: Flight Control Jelly Car Darts FallDown! There's also these but I only have the free versions: Driver Grand Theft Auto: China Town Wars Apps, haven't got many which Mb didn't mention. The LastFM App is the only other App I have.
  6. Would be easy enough if someone had a spare PC capable of running a medium to large sized map with enough space for the amount of people who want to play.
  7. Moar Minecraft! Because I know you all love it :p Built this on Survival Multiplayer yesterday. I changed it quite a bit this morning so it doesn't really look like this any more but I can't be bothered to re-print-screen everything. http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/mc16.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/mc17.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/mc18.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/mc19.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/mc20.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/mc22.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/mc23.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/mc24.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/mc25.jpg I accidently stumbled into the massive cave seen in the last few images while I was mining Gold. Seems like the cave will be even more useful than anything else.
  8. A couple of month's wait isn't too bad really. Isn't as long as the TDU2s delay anyway.
  9. I argue with them for the sake of seeing how wound up they get, lol. Then I start laughing and I get a "What are you laughing about, there's nothing funny about this argument!" - Oh yes there is.
  10. Lol, I was thinking about checking on the Pug306 forums to see if you'd updated your thread on there. I don't go on there much, mainly because my car has turned into one of the most reliable cars in the family at the moment *touches wood*. Besides needing a new cambelt which will probably break now I've said my car is the most reliable :p
  11. I've been playing a game which has DirectX 28 today. Minecraft, lots, because I was bored. I built this which is nothing really, don't ask me what it's meant to be :p http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/mc5-1.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/mc4-1.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/mc3-1.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/mc2-1.jpg And I also built a tower block with a car park and some other stuff in it and luckily print screened a few shots of it before some guy came and griefed it while I was doing something, and then the server shut down anyway. But I'll post screens of that tomorrow. Yes I do have too much time on my hands at the moment :p
  12. I have DirectX 11. Doesn't look any different to anyone elses F1 2010. DirectX 10 only looked marginally different in Crysis as well, didn't notice any differences in any other game.
  13. If Battlefield 3 turns into another Call of Duty Modern Warfare wannabe I'll actually cry.
  14. Eh, if the competition is still open.. http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/105270990-4-1.jpg
  15. http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Other%20Real%20Life/P1010004.jpg
  16. Applied for a couple of jobs yesterday over the nets. For some reason I expected an e-mail today but I haven't got one from either person. Not that bad, really. If it gets to a week without hearing anything then I'll probably cry. Suprisingly enough I'm fed up of being sat in the house..
  17. Alright if you're going for a stealth-look vehicle and you actually need stealth ability. But other than that it just looks crap on any car really. Could've done with tinting the windows in that case too, but maybe they thought they'd look like an expensive drug dealer. Then again smoked lights make you look like a Chav so it's a lose-lose situation for the owner of that car. The black/anthracite wheels are going far enough, really.
  18. I'll get the standard game but I'll probably wait until Christmas for it. If I spend any more money I'll be eating into my car insurance fund. I'm not that desperate to get the game anyway.
  19. -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- :p
  20. I tried logging in on that page. Not because I thought it'd be any different but it was just easier and I got this: "Sorry, unrecognized username or password. Have you forgotten your password?" Then I tried logging in while I was on the main page and I got the same thing. Strange because I ask Firefox to remember my username and password so unless I've been hacked for some silly reason because all I can do on the site is troll then I don't know. I haven't even trolled the forums that much to get banned :confused: Edit: Ninja'd :( Ahwell, explains my troubles.
  21. That's what I thought. I wont be buying it though.
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