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Everything posted by GTAMADDOG

  1. --Removed For Certain Reasons-- I know what you mean about the speed increasing though. In a 30MPH limit I leave my 306 in 4th and it's doing about 1200RPM which is only a couple hundred RPM away from when the turbo spools up which is quite annoying, it catches me out quite alot. Tis a typical old diesel when you're trying to overtake something at an awkward speed though. You get no power and something comes the otherway and you panic, then a slab of torque comes and you're instantly doing 60MPH but heading towards the object coming in the opposite direction even faster. Yes I do change down a gear or two but OMGLAGZ.
  2. Some shots from the Mafia 2 Demo. Yes, I know the time limiter is always on 9:59, it's because I set it to do that ;) AA is on but it seems to like deciding what it wants to smooth instead of smoothing everything, hence some of the jaggy over-head cables looking odd. Everything else is on maximum apart from PhysX which is off. Can't wait for the full game. Glad I pre-ordered it to arrive on the release day. http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Image00002-17.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Image00004-17.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Image00005-14.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Image00013-11.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Image00014-7.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Image00011-9.jpg
  3. In theory as long as you have a quick enough car you can average a pretty high speed even if you have to slow down for cameras and what not here. Hell, I think it was last Wednesday my dad did 110MPH down a National Speed Limit single carriageway (60MPH, so basically almost double the speed limit) just so he wouldn't get stuck behind a bus on the way to work. We were in the vRS though so from 60MPH it takes no effort at all to get up to 120MPH. If you know the speed camera and police hotspots you can probably get away with a bit of spirited driving most of the time, it's just about having common sense and still holding a bit of caution/awareness while you're doing it.
  4. Mazda 3, nice. Can't complain if it does 0-60 in under 10 seconds really. Who needs top speed in England when the motorway speed limit is only 70MPH ( ;) ).
  5. This Ship Simulator Extreme thing looks interesting. Shame it's released on the same day as Mafia 2.
  6. I'll try this. Could be interesting. Haven't seen the moon or stars here since I got back from Tenerife. It's been endlessly cloudy.
  7. If it ain't rubbin' it ain't dubbin'. Oh wait..
  8. Hmmm. Flight Sim seems to produce some great shots. I don't have any addons or anything for it though so I think any photo I get will look pretty low-rent in comparison. I'll stick to getting one from another game.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac_87ujZJuM Seriously love this song.
  10. I know, it was one of my only issues with that game and the others in the series. The courses were too short for me. I remember I'd constantly be looking through the stages to see which one would last the longest and the longest was usually only something like twenty miles or five minutes at maximum.
  11. Rigs of Rods can be hilarious as I found out with a friend at college one day. We put the game on my memory stick and ran it on one of the college computers and tried putting a truck in the back of a carrier-plane and to keep a long story short.. it didn't end well. But it was funny as Hell to see and ended up laughing so much that our lecturer came over and had a look but didn't seem that bothered about us gaming on a college computer. Other times it's just infuriating. Most of the time I can't get maps or vehicles I've downloaded to work properly which is one of my main issues with it despite me installing them the same as when I've installed the rest of the addons.
  12. Shamelessly stolen from someone.. http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Untitled-1.jpg Shamelessly don't really care because it's simple and a simple desktop is what I like.
  13. Lexus IS-F and a Bentley Continental GT (Matt black with black wheels). I was going to take a photo of the IS-F but it turned left at a junction and all I had on me was my phone which takes three seconds to take a rubbish quality photo.
  14. Sounds like a load of old tosh to me about the Dell thing but whatever. Upgrading. Meh, it's a laptop, it's not really made to be upgraded in my opinion. You use it and then when it gets too slow and old you buy a new laptop. I wouldn't risk upgrading any laptop, especially while I'm at university. HP, don't know what they're on about, I'm using a HP laptop to write this (It's my mum's laptop) and it's been perfectly fine since she bought it, I've even run Team Fortress 2 and Counter Strike Source on it without issue and it's hardly top of the line. My sister's boyfriend's laptop is a HP laptop as well and that's been perfectly fine also. My dad has an Acer laptop and I personally think the touch-pad on it is appauling. I actually get so frustrated with it I give up using the laptop altogether. I'm not a particular fan of any brand. I'd just go for what offers the best price : performance. Don't limit yourself to one or two brands because of what someone else says about other brands. It's the same with everything at the end of the day, nothing's perfect and people choose to focus on the negatives more than the positives of things so what probably is a decent product ends up getting frowned upon and overlooked.
  15. Ah, snow my old friend. How I miss thee. If it's going to be geared towards proper rallying actually make the courses the proper lengths, not two and a half minutes long. I think the last game I played where some of the courses were 10+ minutes long was Mobil 1 Rally Championship. If a game from many moons ago can have them, a game from 2011 should have them without question. I spent more time in the menus than on the tracks in DiRT 2 and that was really annoying.
  16. Nice one, I love these 365 day photo experiments. It's interesting to see what people can come up with each day.
  17. To be fair the Playstation 3 has Super Stardust HD and therefore automatically wins hands down. But as I always say in threads like these. Neither console is really much better than the other, it's all down to what an individual person wants from a console in terms of games and features. I haven't touched my Playstation 3 in months. Then again I haven't touched my Xbox 360 in a year... because it's broken. I have been considering a 360 Slim, though. Might just tinker with my old Xbox 360 first to see if I can fix it myself.
  18. This. I plan on uploading some driving videos which I took when I was going around the mountain on Tenerife and you'll see I'm not just saying "Tenerife" because I've just been there. The roads are amazing.
  19. Oh Hell yes. I've been waiting for Mafia II for years, well basically since 2004 when the first game was released. I love(d) the original so much, driving 1930s cars around getting shot at by gang-members with Tommy guns with the classic 30s music playing in the background. Actually cannot wait for the second incarnation. It shouldn't disappoint at all.
  20. Well, branching off from the bright and dry-ness of Tenerife (I still have about 150 photos of Tenerife :p ) and back to the dull and dampness of the UK I took these few shots today. I was originally meant to be going on a rally in Wales but it got cancelled so I went to some waterfalls instead. I've hardly tried these slower shutter speed type shots with my FZ38 and when I did before they usually came out with loads of noise and quite blury. I've been meaning to try it out on some streams/rivers for a while I don't think they've come out too bad for my first try.. http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1010724.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1010736.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P10107402.jpg The place was line with trees and there was hardly anywhere to get any kind of a good composition but I just wanted to see if this water effect could be done. Lack of tripod fail. I do have other photos of the proper waterfalls which I might upload some time.
  21. Haven't been playing anything over the last week due to me being in Tenerife and all but before that I was playing Just Cause 2 (PC) to death. I probably will when I get back from rallying this weekend as well. It's just so damn awesome to play pretty much maxed out thanks to my HD5850.
  22. I saw this video posted in the Motors section of the Overclockers UK forum a few weeks ago. They all pretty much agreed it was spot on. Someone makes a "Spec Me An Economical Daily Run About" thread saying they'd prefer a diesel engine for £5000 and the first people to come along will say "Ford Mondeo" or "Ford Focus" without any justification. Then someone else will come along and say "Why does it need to be a diesel when you're only pottering about town, only get a diesel if you're doing 20,000+ miles a year". Then someone else will come along and agree and say "How about a BMW 530i? Don't make yourself suffer for years with a slow dag-dag engine, these 3 litre BMWs will get 30MPG on a run! All you have to do is stretch your budget by £3000". Then the suggestions just get wilder and wilder until a flame war ensues between the same usual few people who all hate each other. Then the OP will just lie and say he's bought a car, no-one will like it and they'll all say "Why did you do that? That's such a waste of money because you could've got so much more for your money". Then they offer the person financial advice they don't need.
  23. Yeh, it's pretty uninhabitable at the top of the mountain. I think I read on one of the information boards that only one plant just about manages to get enough water each year to survive up there. The temperatures were knocking on 30-32C most days over most of the island, it was quite a bit cooler at the top of the mountain due to the wind but it wasn't uncomfortable. A sculpture on the beach near Los Cristianos: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Image00008-8.jpg Los Cristianos Docks with part of the area and mountain in the background: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Image00016-7.jpg As you can probably tell I can't be bothered with any Photoshop adjustments yet.
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