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Everything posted by GTAMADDOG

  1. I've heard many times that it is, but being the Chernobyl/Pripyat anorak I am I wanted more of the game to be based in Pripyat, especially considering it's title but I could find hardly any videos of the city itself in the game on YouTube unless they've all been removed. No doubt someone will find loads of videos to rub it in now :p That was one of the main selling points for me because I wasn't a great fan of how Clear Sky played if I'm honest :( I don't know what it is but with Clear Sky there was something that I never thought was quite 'right' with it which stopped me from enjoying it. Ah well, there's always another time, it can only get cheaper to buy.
  2. Just bought Just Cause 2 as well, despite having already played it... through other means of acquisition but that 'version' went with my last format. Persuaded myself not to get Call of Pripyat after memories of Clear Sky. God I hope they don't have a game I want in the final Daily Deal tomorrow. I won't have the time to play the ones I've bought already.
  3. It's always disappointing to see any kind of motoring icon (vehicle wise) die, no matter what it is. It may not be the best looking car or have excelled in any area but it's hard to ignore it's presence.
  4. I've bought Audisurf and Saints Row 2 so far. Saints Row 2 cost less than Audiosurf which I find quite amusing. It's taking ages to download 15GB, though. I'm also thinking about buying S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat, too. I was going to buy it on release but now it's £10 it's even more appealing. Then I promise to stop spending, honestly :p
  5. For me, this is one of them.. http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/richards-1967-ford-mustang-super-sn.jpg Too hard to choose a number one, though. *dons flame-proof jacket*
  6. As you can only expect from me - nothin' spesh skillz wise. Acquired this today... http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1010140.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1010148.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1010152.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1010157.jpg
  7. Buffered no problems for me. Water looks great as do a few other things. Still a few things that are hit and miss from my point of view texture wise, though. Edit: Diablo's post above explains why I had no problems :p
  8. Ellie Goulding and Deadmau5 is all I'll be listening to from that list so far.
  9. To be fair I'd park my £100,000 car like that if it saved it from some numb-nuts from opening their Ford Fiesta door into the door of my Aston Martin DB9.
  10. This, and the fact that the mass reduction in price for the games brings in many more customers which may, and probably does considering Steam's sucess, generate more revenue.
  11. Pushing the G25 gear stick down, then into where 6th gear would be could be used as 7th gear. I personally use it as reverse gear because hardly any vehicles I drive in games have more than six gears.
  12. Funny in parts, seriously annoyed me in others. They honestly need to stop wasting cars. Bull they couldn't sell the old Reasonably Priced Car, if it was because of the mechanicals being thrashed then so what? There's still loads of other parts to a car which can be made useful to other people. Also, I know the Reliant Robin isn't the best of cars but yet again, it was one of the best examples of one I've seen condition-wise and they smashed it to bits for ten minutes of laughter (for some people), not to mention the other two which were crashed together. What a load of crap, they seriously need to stop doing this. I'll get slated for this but it's something I see in this program time and time again and to be honest from my point of view segments like those two annoy me and dishearten me more than they make me laugh. All they have to do is find a car which has already had a tough life and is ready for the scrap heap to crash and smash for ten minutes laughter and I'll be fine with it. Money is corruption.
  13. Nothin' spesh. Infact this is the second one I've seen this week. Awesomesauce mobile photo taken on the M4 back from Bristol.. http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/tr.jpg Polo TDI blows Type R doors in, y0. Also saw a Ferarri 599 which I wasn't prepared enough for.
  14. I did wonder, but as I stated, it's just a place-holder for now.
  15. A little bit of piano/violin-age.. Who'd of thought a Metal band would've come up with something as beautiful as that.
  16. Drove across that bridge today :p Nice photo. EDIT: Changed although it's still rubbish. Took through the windscreen of my car which had loads of crap on it. Loads of lens flare and a lense that needs cleaning.
  17. Just found this.. http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=16826278&postcount=76 Don't know about the validity of it though. They could be unveiling whatever it is and taking the pee out of a new car which has been 'revised' but looks like the old one or it could be the new reasonably priced car. Yes I have read the person's edit. The post after says it's a Kia C'eed.
  18. I definitely admire the effort and I prefer the darker interior, too. The interior is definitely not something to warrant a car change these days seeing as most interior objects are easily removed and replaced on most cars. I took the chance to hoover the floor underneathe where my seats are the last time I removed them, not that anyone can see under them once they're in but it'd bug the hell out of me knowing I didn't clean there. Makes me want to buy leather seats for my Pugger again now :/
  19. ^ I actually quite like the idea of that. Nice.
  20. Sounds good, have fun. I'm away for seven days from the 22nd July, going to Tenerife. Not that it effects anyone here in the slightest :p
  21. Panasonic Lumix FZ-38, y0: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Image00011-2.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Image00013-3.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Image00012-2.jpg
  22. Nice one. Yeh I know about their alloy snobbery. It's usually Nimrods or Cyclones with those lot, yet they all complain they need to stop buying Cyclones because they're becomming too common. I quite like the Swallows, too.
  23. Nice OEM look. Looks tidy.
  24. I just realised that camera is Vtec. So that means the pictures are only awesome at high resolutions. At low resolutions the image noise is dire.
  25. You forgot your Tilt-Shift lense, by the way.
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